Carbon_Liberator said:
Sounds like you didn't think, or talk, things through thoroughly enough before jumping into this wood burning thing.
In my household I'm the head of the the house. Of course I do talk things over with my wife and value her input, but in a case like this, where I'm the one doing all the work to provide heat for the house, you can bet your bottom dollar I'll be the one deciding where the wood gets stacked.
Marriages unions can be broken or strengthened over such matters.
Well, we didn't just "jump into burning wood"; we've been talking about it for a while now and both of us have family that burn wood. She knew there was going to be a wood pile. I guess we just didn't fully talk it over on where exactly the wood will be stored. I'm wanting to put it out where it's more exposed to sun/wind yet easy to get to, she doesn't care about any of that.
maplewood said:
Before I weight in with my opinion, please post a pic and some more details.
The condition of the bark may sway me one way or another.
If the heart is solid it would make a difference.
The presence of bugs is a definite no-no.
I hate posting pics... but I'll be happy to give details.
On the rear of our house we have a porch/deck that stretches nearly the full length of the house. There is no landscaping etc there and I thought that a stack of wood would do well all along the deck. It would be exposed to the prevailing wind and afternoon-evening sun. It will also be easily accessible; I won't even have to leave the porch to get wood, just grab it from the other side of the rail. The wood is stacked up to the save height as the railing which is 3 feet high from the porch but 6 feet high from the ground. Bark is good and in tact, not making a mess. The heart is solid, it's all good solid wood. No bugs as of yet and I did put down a granular insecticide as a barrier between wood and home in case bugs become a problem. Her 2 main gripes about the location are "it will cause more spider problems in the house", which I don't see happening, we've been battling spiders since we moved in, if anything the insecticide I put down will help with the spiders. Her other gripe is that it looks tacky with wood stacked up next to the deck railing...
Ok, I get her 2 gripes, the first shouldn't be a problem, and the 2nd problem isn't going to kill anybody or cause any major problem for the few months that the wood is going to be there. She is having a really good day today so I may have some success talking it over with her tonight.
I would be happy to stack the wood elsewhere from now on, it was a miscommunication and those happen sometimes, but it would be really nice of her to respect me and the work I've done enough to let me leave the pile there until it gets burnt this winter.