Work Done in 2019

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I hadn't planned on doing much today so I didn't take the camera. I did move a bunch of chit wood to the outside fireplace with the 4540, three loads.

After the above was done, I decided that the gully in the back would finally get cleaned up on the east end so I can run the rhino with the trailer or splitter the whole length, done.

After I cleaned it up, I took the rest of the ash rounds out in the trailer to the splitter, with all the rounds we have, I'm thinking we'll get another face cord for a total of 12 stacked in that area. I'll get some pictures tomorrow.
I lucked out at work today we ended up removing an old H structure. It is what just what it sounds like. Two 100 foot poles connected with a few cross braces and a giant arm that goes across both at the top. It was all cedar and what the other guys didn't want I ended up with a truck load of cedar. great for the shoulder season or kindling. My garage is getting closer to being ready for that first burn and so on.
I lucked out at work today we ended up removing an old H structure. It is what just what it sounds like. Two 100 foot poles connected with a few cross braces and a giant arm that goes across both at the top. It was all cedar and what the other guys didn't want I ended up with a truck load of cedar. great for the shoulder season or kindling. My garage is getting closer to being ready for that first burn and so on.

We have an old cedar pole that needs to come down soon that I'll be making into firewood. Nothing like several decade old kindling!
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This is the ash I had left from the spring cutting, we have a single face cord in the front & back and five stacks that hold two face cord each for a total of 12. Pictures 9601 & 02 are the back gully where I cleaned up some dead cherry yesterday so we can enter it from the east ot the west and run the whole length until the mess near the big ole maple.

The temp isn't that bad (76) with a breeze.


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Since it was nice and cool (42) this morning, I decided to clean the area up that a bunch branches and wood got pushed last year when the garage went up. I did get rid of three trailer loads of branches and dead pine today. Picture 9608 is a before picture.

I have some splitting (pine rounds) that I'll do and the chips will be used to level off some stacks where the fall ash will go.


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Everybody’s work had me jealous! So thought I’d share some of mine, even though I’m still just a newbie. Had a pad cut in for a shop, shop should be done in about 4 weeks. Had a semi load delivered and been working on that throughout the summer, got about half way through it. Once the shop is up I can move my wood (shop is going to have a lean to on the side). It’s the season for swinging temps, got a little trigger happy last week and had a decently chilly morning so had our first fire of the season! Temps back in 60-70 range, but looks like more burning in the near future with snow/rain and night temps in the 20s. Keep up the good work and burn on!

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I had an issue to take care of today, a branch broken by high winds a few days back. I went up on the big ladder and tied a100' 1/2" bull rope to it so that milady could pull the branch away from me as I cut it off. I was standing on an 8' step ladder and using a pole saw. I got a little more Sugar Maple and added to the pile I have from a big Sugar that the tree man took down for us last year.
[] Work Done in 2019 [] Work Done in 2019 [] Work Done in 2019 [] Work Done in 2019 [] Work Done in 2019
I had to do he same thing to an elm at my place a week ago Woody Stover, my branch was from when we dropped a large ash it just caught the branch on its way down just enough to make it a problem.
I ended up splitting the rest of those large ash rounds that were in some previous pics today. It was in the upper 70's with a slight breeze so me and the dogs went to finish it. I split and copper retrieved his duck for about an hour or so.
We decided that we would have our first fire tonight so we put in some shoulder season wood, there was basswood,pine,hemlock,blue beech,yellow birch,cherry and soft maple.

It's been a while since the basement has been 72 so it felt nice.
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We decided that we would have our first fire tonight so we put in some shoulder season wood, there was basswood,pine,hemlock,blue beech,yellow birch,cherry and soft maple.

It's been a while since the basement has been 72 so it felt nice.

Blue beech and yellow birch I would save for Jan/Feb
Blue beech and yellow birch I would save for Jan/Feb
They were smaller rounds, we have beech and some sugar maple for the colder months. We do have a face cord of yellow birch that are much bigger splits we can burn.
Whoa, scooore! Saw the pile by the road last night and IDed Silver Maple. Went back today, and saw "the rest of the story." Great wood for short chill-buster fires in the fall or spring. I still have a little more to get over there.
[] Work Done in 2019[] Work Done in 2019
We are having warmer than normal temps here with the beginning of the week pushing 90. So no fire here. Thewoodlands I agree nothing better than a warm basement when those cool temps show up.
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We are having warmer than normal temps here with the beginning of the week pushing 90. So no fire here. Thewoodlands I agree nothing better than a warm basement when those cool temps show up.
It was a muggy day with some rain early on so I've been burning some junk splits in the fireplace outside, the last two times burning I've gotten rid of a good amount of wood.

Hopefully in two weeks the majority of the splits will be gone. We still have a bunch of leaves on the trees but once they hit the ground, I'll be going after more ash.
It was 90 here, but a nice breeze and only 40% humidity made for a good work day.
Load at SIL's, to be split and stacked in a rack outside her shed. Should be dry by next fall. Had to rassle some of these to get them on and off the trailer.
Will have to move the Ash I put in that rack yesterday.
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I worked for this little treat. ==c
PBR is to set up the mojo for a Brewers victory tonight..the Cards are looking like they'll lose. The Crew needs to stick them with the dreaded wild card game. :oops:
[] Work Done in 2019
Aw crap, Rockies just won on a walk off jack in the 10th. Damn thin Denver air. :(
So I wanted something to hold some wood closer to the house, as well as covered. I did some shopping in my yard.
There’s a half rotten 6x6 tie wall next to driveway, a main beam to old boat trailer. The lightest made in China cedar beam from the kids swing set, it was too short so I doubled up 2x8 so I could add another swing, yet kept the old one. One 10’ 4x4. Some other 2x4s I held on to from something. I had purchased some metal two years ago. It sits on top of single rows covered with big heavy ugly pieces. What’s all this get you!!!?
[] Work Done in 2019
[] Work Done in 2019
[] Work Done in 2019
holds .47 of a cord. 110”x60 Top is 24”. I might hang tarps on the sides. Eventually we will be getting a real paved driveway.Nothings for ever.
So I wanted something to hold some wood closer to the house, as well as covered. I did some shopping in my yard.
There’s a half rotten 6x6 tie wall next to driveway, a main beam to old boat trailer. The lightest made in China cedar beam from the kids swing set, it was too short so I doubled up 2x8 so I could add another swing, yet kept the old one. One 10’ 4x4. Some other 2x4s I held on to from something. I had purchased some metal two years ago. It sits on top of single rows covered with big heavy ugly pieces. What’s all this get you!!!?View attachment 248321View attachment 248322View attachment 248323holds .47 of a cord. 110”x60 Top is 24”. I might hang tarps on the sides. Eventually we will be getting a real paved driveway.Nothings for ever.

Looks like the stack in front of my door. When we bought this house last year there was a weird shed built onto the side around the entry door. We tore it down to just a little awning over the door, but that had to go this weekend so we can replace the siding. We'll put up a real awning after we get the siding squared away. There's a small square section of the shed roof covering a half cord of seasoned sugar maple. The other piece is going to get used for the same with some scraps from fixing the house. It will look much like your setup!
I had planned on cutting up some small rounds today but when I went outside this morning, I noticed we received about a 1/4 of an inch of rain. I used the tractor (FEL) so I could move more of our oldest splits of pine to our firepit, I burned eight loads.

We're having another fire tonight with the day and night temps cooling off.
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Seems like I always underestimate the wood that's left to get on the second load..trailer was pretty full. Plus pic of the total Silver Maple
haul. Tree man White Elm from a neighbor still waiting to the right and behind the Silver.
[] Work Done in 2019 [] Work Done in 2019
I moved a bunch of old pine splits over to the fireplace with the 4540, hopefully we get rain tonight so I can burn.

After I did the above, I marked 15 Ash trees for felling once the leaves get off the trees, not all the Ash are pictured.


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After I marked the Ash trees I decided to get some rounds of Ash from the spring felling along with some smaller Maple rounds.


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