HNI who owns HHT (Home and Hearth Technologies) who now makes Harman , Quadra-Fire and Pelpro brand stoves has a new Huay open frame quick change combustion blower KS-5020-1040 with 9 petal impeller blade for it’s new PP60 , PP130 and TSC90 which also fits the older Danson’s Pelpro, Glow Boy and Cheap Charlie stoves and replaces the A.O. Smith ACCBFNAS blower with a little effort. The new Huay Blower with the impeller 9 petal blade quincidentaly the same blade used in most of the Quadra-Fire pellet stoves, does not clog up with ash as easily as the older A.O. Smith squirrel cage blower. The quick change mounting hub with high temperature white gasket also makes it easy to keep the blade clean and running smoothly. The exhaust flange must be removed and cleaned by removing the 4 self tappers and cutting the red silicone and cleaning it off. The exhaust cavity in the stove can also be cleaned and sprayed with Dry Moly too! After they have been cleaned it is easy to bolt on to the new quick change housing and I always use the clear high temperature silicone for good looks. I have found that the housing bolt holes do not quite align with the 1/4” mounting studs on 2 older stoves so far but by drilling the new housing holes out to 23/64” made it slide on easily. I had to cut the green ground wire that was soldered on to the old motor off and squeeze on a round eylet terminal to mount it under one of the 3 new motor mounting nuts. Then I transferred the 3/4” open on rise snap disc from the old motor housing to the only place that would fit on the new blower housing right next to where the exhaust flange is attached, The new blower comes with white and yellow adapter wires to connect the male and female clips to two female clips to clip on to the new motor. I turned the motor and hub so the white wire from the stove harness would reach and clip on to one of the motor male clips, then I shortened the yellow wire and put a female clip on the end I cut and connected that to the other motor clip. One less adapter wire seems better to me.
Then the stove fired right up.
Has anyone else done this upgrade? Any comments?
I just did this upgrade on this approximately 15 year old Danson"s Pelpro Bay View. See below.
Pic 1&2 - Old A.O. Smith squirrel cage exhaust blower
Pic 3&4 - New Pelpro Huay 9 petal impeller exhaust blower
Pic 5-8 - Clean old exhaust flange and stove exhaust cavity and spray with Dry Moly
Pic 9 - New adapter wires to connect older stove to new updated exhaust blower
Pic 10 - New Pelpro impeller blower installed and connected
Pic 11-12 The old Pelpro Bay View gal is keeping the house warm and cozy again.
HNI who owns HHT (Home and Hearth Technologies) who now makes Harman , Quadra-Fire and Pelpro brand stoves has a new Huay open frame quick change combustion blower KS-5020-1040 with 9 petal impeller blade for it’s new PP60 , PP130 and TSC90 which also fits the older Danson’s Pelpro, Glow Boy and Cheap Charlie stoves and replaces the A.O. Smith ACCBFNAS blower with a little effort. The new Huay Blower with the impeller 9 petal blade quincidentaly the same blade used in most of the Quadra-Fire pellet stoves, does not clog up with ash as easily as the older A.O. Smith squirrel cage blower. The quick change mounting hub with high temperature white gasket also makes it easy to keep the blade clean and running smoothly. The exhaust flange must be removed and cleaned by removing the 4 self tappers and cutting the red silicone and cleaning it off. The exhaust cavity in the stove can also be cleaned and sprayed with Dry Moly too! After they have been cleaned it is easy to bolt on to the new quick change housing and I always use the clear high temperature silicone for good looks. I have found that the housing bolt holes do not quite align with the 1/4” mounting studs on 2 older stoves so far but by drilling the new housing holes out to 23/64” made it slide on easily. I had to cut the green ground wire that was soldered on to the old motor off and squeeze on a round eylet terminal to mount it under one of the 3 new motor mounting nuts. Then I transferred the 3/4” open on rise snap disc from the old motor housing to the only place that would fit on the new blower housing right next to where the exhaust flange is attached, The new blower comes with white and yellow adapter wires to connect the male and female clips to two female clips to clip on to the new motor. I turned the motor and hub so the white wire from the stove harness would reach and clip on to one of the motor male clips, then I shortened the yellow wire and put a female clip on the end I cut and connected that to the other motor clip. One less adapter wire seems better to me.
Then the stove fired right up.
Has anyone else done this upgrade? Any comments?
I just did this upgrade on this approximately 15 year old Danson"s Pelpro Bay View. See below.
Pic 1&2 - Old A.O. Smith squirrel cage exhaust blower
Pic 3&4 - New Pelpro Huay 9 petal impeller exhaust blower
Pic 5-8 - Clean old exhaust flange and stove exhaust cavity and spray with Dry Moly
Pic 9 - New adapter wires to connect older stove to new updated exhaust blower
Pic 10 - New Pelpro impeller blower installed and connected
Pic 11-12 The old Pelpro Bay View gal is keeping the house warm and cozy again.
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