Minister of Fire
It happens. . .not sure how often in the PH.
If you want it to happen less often, don't shut the air down so much. Leave more flame in the firebox to prevent gas buildup.
Will check out that thread. thanks.... going to try leaving air open a bit more....
Yes, after you completely close the air, immediately just barely crack it open.
A good puff can make the entire pipe/chimney assembly rattle. Not fun.
Yep, it was a pretty good rattle! Makes sense, we are starving the fire, and the gases build up, and a spark comes along and"Pooooooooooof"!
After complaining about my own back puffing woes, I received replies and PMs from a few PH owners, that they've had the same trouble. Perhaps this stove is very prone to back puffing.
You had it occur with the Firelight 12, or do you also have a PH?
I had a lot of puffing at first as well. I believe that my change in habits to more slowly reduce the air and to keep the air open a crack, especially when it is warmer out (lower draft days), has pretty much eliminated them for me. Mind you I never had any really violent ones like I've heard described here (i.e. never heard them out of the room or had pipes rattle etc).
I tried to run the PH like I did the FV at first - that was a mistake. While the PH is very forgiving/adjustable on the air settings, I don't think I can just 'heat it up and slam it down to where I want it after engaging the cat' like I did with the FV. I have found that engaging the cat, then waiting a few minutes before reducing the air about 1/2 way to final destination, then wait a few more minutes and then moving it down again to final setting works much better. I almost always run with the air fully closed with the PH which is weird in a way - I 'set the burn temp' by letting it run up hotter before closing the air down fully. Where I get caught doing this during the day if the temps rise significantly and I'm trying to run very low temps - then I have to remember to not shut the air all the way.
I think I've gotten a bit lazy, when I first started I was slowly bringing the air down in increments, lately I've been charing the wood and then shutting it down in one swoop. I'll have to go back to a gradual reduction of air in a few steps and see how it goes....