Married? Wife sneaking electric heat while your out? lol
My rates have usually been much higher in the winter, presumably due to space heaters.
After my X moved out, my consumption has dropped substantially, and little difference between summer and winter. We'll say an average of 500kWh/mo during warmer half of year and 650 cooler half. I assume from additional lighting and interior electronics usage, plus extra load on electric water heater and fans moving stove heat around the house. While my X was here and used space heaters during the coldest months those months would double or triple in usage!
My rates have usually been much higher in the winter, presumably due to space heaters.
After my X moved out, my consumption has dropped substantially, and little difference between summer and winter. We'll say an average of 500kWh/mo during warmer half of year and 650 cooler half. I assume from additional lighting and interior electronics usage, plus extra load on electric water heater and fans moving stove heat around the house. While my X was here and used space heaters during the coldest months those months would double or triple in usage!