Hi..something is waaaaaaay out of line there. I have an ELECTRICALLY HEATED house up in the frosty north ... I use less energy than you do. and I have a 20kw electric forced air furnace. And its COLD right nowIts running a lot.
You either have a faulty meter or a huge load that you don't know about...I'm betting on the meter and if that is the case the electric company owes you some big $$$..
That is why I decided to pursue and answer with everyone here. I know how much we electric we use and it does not equal what they say we are using
For instance right now we have 1 light on with 3 led bulbs and the TV. That's it! That is the normal for the evening.
During the day it's usually 2 lights with a total of 5 led bulbs. And the TV on a music channel. Occasionally we will run a ceiling fan.
And keep in mind our house is 1968 square feet. 2 of the bedrooms are closed off and have no lights in them. Probably around 1500 or so square feet are being used.
That includes 1 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen and living room.