Who are you, where are you from..and what do you do?

  • Active since 1995, Hearth.com is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment.

    We strive to provide opinions, articles, discussions and history related to Hearth Products and in a more general sense, energy issues.

    We promote the EFFICIENT, RESPONSIBLE, CLEAN and SAFE use of all fuels, whether renewable or fossil.
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Age: 52
location: central Jerzy, home of the E street band.
Occupation: Golf Professional
Been burning 6 years with the Castine, 10 years prior to that with an old ...I forgot piece of junk.
Hobby: Reading here on the forum of course.
Location - Catoctin Mtns of Maryland

Age - Lets say that most days I still feel.... 30

Occupation - IT Manager for the main paycheck. Plus IT consulting, goat herder, pig farmer, shepherd, sheep shearer, firewood.

Work location - 3-4 days out of the week - Camden Yards, Baltimore. The rest on the farm.

Years burning - 6

Years burning 24/7 - 4 years cause we bought a house w/o central heat

Hobbies - trying to take an afternoon nap. Been at it over a year and a half w/o any success. Highland Games

Family - wife and 3 kids, 2 dogs, 2 cats
Name: Roy
Age: 36
Local: North Central Ohio
Occupation: Father and Factory worker - Not Good in Ohio Right Now
Burning for my second full season this year. First year was an adventure.
Married, wife has the college education. 2 girls, still young. Not looking forward to the dating years.
SWEET LOG SPLITTER and a Stihl wood boss.
Age: 30

Occupation: Superintendent for heavy/highway/utility contractor
Degree in construction management / engineering

Years burning: Ever since I was strong enough to carry wood in for my parents.

What I burn: Just retired the old Timberline and am currently installing a New
Yorker add on boiler. Have my old Hearthstone up at the hunting
camp and also have a seldom used fireplace which I am considering
finding and installing a lopin answer in.

Hobbies: Bow Hunting, Rifle Hunting, Small Game Hunting, Shooting, Fishing
Working around the house.

I am married and have a one year old child who I cant wait til he can cut, split, and stack firewood. As well as mow the lawn.
Name: Charles, Charlo,Chas,Chuck,Charlie the list goes on...
Age: Physically 43... Don't ask my wife how old I act.
Occupation: IT for Harry and David mail order / internet Gift Company. (Doesn't look real promising this year... Visit our website and keep me employed :-O)
Married 17 years with two teenage boyz at home one out one his own (previous marriage)
Years burning... This is my first! I had a grant from the BLM to thin the pine/fir on my property to reduce the chance of bark beetles infestation. Well anyway we removed over 35K lbs of firewood which we gave away! It was difficult for us to rid our property of that much wood. We fell the trees, removed the branches and bucked and stacked the wood. The people only had to drive up to the pile and we (Myself, wife, and two or three teenage boyz) help load their truck and or trailer... So after thoroughly discussed with trying to be friendly to others. I took the grant money and "incentive check" and put in a Blaze King Princess.
Had our first good freeze last night and still 75 in the house this morning! I'm going to love this stove!
Name- Matt
Age- 44
Location- central Wisconsin close to God's country since he's the only one who can figure out where the hell we are.
Occupation- Christmas Tree Farm Manager, truck driver, and I do custom cabinetry/furniture in my shop, wish I could do more of it so it paid well since I love doing it. Would be easier to support the equipment cost then.

Grew up burning wood first with a masonary fireplace then the folks upgraded to an awesome very efficient "Riteway" wood furnace in the late 70's, rebuilt it once and its still going strong. My first season burning in a long while though coming up this year, but looking forward to it. Light up the fireplace already every time it looks like its gonna get cool outside. Besides its more interesting than the tv and its a good stress reliever watching those flames, keeps the mind off politics and the economy for a while.
Name Mark (go figure)

Age 53

Occupation, Retired from being a chef after 22 years. Now work in a Manufacturing environment.

Location, Washington County New York, 12 miles to nearest grocery store 30 miles in 3 directions to Big box stores.
From my front porch I overlook hills of Wash. County and in distance (6 miles) Green Mountain's of VT. and do not see any signs of civilisation from my perch on the hill.
Grew up On Cape Cod, left right after high school and basically never went back. Being a Chef took me to some pretty interesting locales such as Martha's Vineyard, Boston, Nantucket, Bahamas (15 yrs) that's where I met my wife of almost nineteen years, Central Florida and now NY.

Hobbies. Cooking, gardening, walking my two Labs in my 6 acres of field and have just recently been bitten by the woodworking bug. Generally puttering around the house.

This will be my first season with Pellet Insert which was confirmed today to be installed on 10/24. I am looking forward to that!
Chronological age: 60+, though I still feel like I'm 22. It must be credited to being a wood burner!

Occupation: Retired Technical Manager from a global automobile manufacturer, MS and BS degrees.
Now some consulting, while I watch our tree farms grow. No longer dealing with corporate, center and
plant issues, budgets and much too many PowerPoint presentations, even more meetings and lots of travel.
Actually, I miss it!

Usual location: The beautiful woods, hills and mountains, also the streams, rivers and lakes of New York
State or somewhere in-between.

Please check out our great countryside at:


Years burning: 50+, as it all started with my grandparent's kitchen wood stove; then had to have wood
stoves in most every home, cabin and workshop since then.

Hobbies and such: Fishing and most all outdoor subjects. Almost anything with a motor and wheels,
plus also wings too. I guess you could say that besides gasoline, diesel fuel and JP-4, there is some wood
smoke in my blood. Ja, auch blau mit weiss!
Wow! Spend a few months away from the hearth and there are a ton of new faces warming up the joint! That's awesome. I guess I logged back in at just the right time to meet everyone.

I'll chip in.

MrGriz is really Mike and has been for almost 40 years now.

I live in Southeastern Wisconsin, where I own a flooring and window coverings company called In Home Floor & Window Fashions. We just changed the name and went independent after our franchisor closed their doors a couple of months ago. Before that I spent way too long in the car business (most recently a few years as the Fleet/Commercial sales manager for a Ford dealership).

I'm going on my 3rd year of burning for heat. Prior to that, I grew up burning in an open fireplace (and of course with a few beers in the back yard).

When I have time for hobbies, I like to ride my Harley, fish, cook and play poker. Of course, I have to say that I also enjoy cutting, moving, splitting, moving, stacking, moving and burning wood to heat my house (otherwise it just makes me crazy for doing it all). I'm also active in the local chamber of commerce, the booster club at my daughter's school and the Lion's club.
Age: 45

Location: Everett, WA about 25 miles north of Seattle

Occupation: Aviation repair welder / aviation ground support equipment repair /light fabrication welder
spent 10 years in USN as (you guessed it) a welder, aviation type. 6 years stationed in Japan, where I met and married my wife of 17 years, have 2 boys

Years burning 3

Hobbies, well lately I have been volunteering at my local little league baseball organization where my youngest plays, also spend way too much time hauling my oldest around the state to play select baseball

pic of my oldest behind the plate a couple years ago in little league, now a catcher on his high school and select team
[Hearth.com] Who are you, where are you from..and what do you do?
Name Gerry

Age 52

Job Water treatment operator 32 years

Married to a great women. 3 Daughters 1 granddaughter 3 grandsons, and a border collie.

Location 10 miles west of Port Huron Mi.

Hobbies Fixing up the kids houses.

Heating with wood 30 years
Hello All,

Name: Sue
Age: 45 going on 29
Occupation: Practice Manager for Trauma Surgeons
Place: Southern Maine
First year burning pellets, so far so good.
Love this forum, have learned from all of you and greatly appreciate all of your knowledge and your help.
Age: 42

Job: Independent insurance adjuster, semi-ex roofer.

Divorced, have a live in with her 2 kids a 9yr old boy & 16 yr old daughter, have a 20 yr old son of my own from my marriage.

Location: In the woods under the mountain 2-1/2 miles from the Susquehanna Nuclear Power Plant, near Berwick PA. The Endless Mountains.

Hobbies: Riding my hawg, causing sheet here, looking at women, strip clubs, sticking up for the little guy, standing for my beliefs, acquiring tattoos, working on my home, working with my hands.

Heating with wood 3 years.
Age: 38
Job: Sales Rep
Married with 2 kids. A wonderful wife, 8 yr. old girl and a 6 yr old boy.
Learned on my dad's Russo coal/ wood stove in the '80's now going solo with my Jotul.
Hobbies: Golf, Skiing, Running, stacking wood, stirring up sh*t on the ash can!
Personal: Avid Boston sportsfan. Red Sox, Pats, Celtics, Bruins.
Music: U2, Pearl Jam, Van Halen, Bob Marley, Weezer, Johnny Cash, and lots of other stuff.
Beer: For quality, Sam Adams Boston Ale. For quantity, Bud Light.
Age: 57
Job: Foundry melt supervisor
Location: Northwest PA - in the Lake Erie snowbelt

Married for 31 years, 3 kids - all grown up and doing fine.
Burning for 30 years - 28 with fireplace and 2 with a great stove.
Hobbies: Big garden, productive flock of 10 chickens, visiting grandkids, lovin' the land
Music: anything but rap and hip-hop, especially fond of Cajun and old-time Appalachian Mountain music.
My name is Brad and I'm a Woodaholic

I think I'm 49 but can't recall the first several years so it could be more or less

I'm a Dropout Prevention Specialist in a local High School, I work with drug addicted kids, apathetic kids, abused kids, decent kids, depressed kids, medicated kids, intelligent kids, you name it (and plug in the word PARENTS anywhere you see KIDS)

I can see Little Round Top, a strategic landmark in the Battle of Gettysburg, from my place. I have 4.5 acres of land, includin some prime Pennsylvania hardwood forest.

I have a wonderful wife.

I have a wonderful daughter.

Have burned wood for several years.

Have burned coal for several years.

Like wood better.
Job: Grounds supervior for local schoool dist
Location: About 30 miles south west of Chicago, in the burbs.
Married for 21 years to the same lady this Friday Oct. 17
3 girls 16,13,8, this is why I spent alot of thim in my garden. :)
Burning since I was a kid, the parnets had a wood furance, then my first house a wood fireplace, This house had old Dutchwest that need to be rebuild, so I bought a new Lopi and have been burning 24/7 for the last 5 years
Hobbies My GARDEN!!!!!!! I grow more then I can ever use. I give alot away to friends and family. I never let anything go to waste
adrpga498 said:
Age: 52
location: central Jerzy, home of the E street band.
Occupation: Golf Professional
Been burning 6 years with the Castine, 10 years prior to that with an old ...I forgot piece of junk.
Hobby: Reading here on the forum of course.

Hey Alan, how can I stop being to close to the ball after I have hit it......LOL

Two elderly golfers were teeing off at the 1st.
1; "You're going to have to watch my ball as I don't see too well anymore."
2; "No problem. I got eyes like a hawk."
1st guy hits the ball.
1; "Did you see it land?"
2; "Yeah, but I forget where
age 52
I'm a photographer, who used to be a commercial fisherman, until one day the State of New York decided that they would make it against the law for the fisherman who worked on eastern Long Island for 300 years to make a living. I grew up with a family who might have big problems every fall if they didn't have a hundred pounds of potatoes in the cellar, and a winters supply of wood or coal behind the house.
I'm now a photographer, working for the 3 daily New York papers(kinda like fishing), and have kept warm with a woodstove for 30 years. I also do a lot of aerial photography, and by doing that make note of construction dumpsters, and house lots being cleared from a thousand feet above(kinda like fishing). I haven't paid a penny for the 120 cords of wood that I've burned over the years.
I just traded up from my VC Defiant that I traded 7 years ago for a photograph, and got a Hearthstone Heritage. After getting used to it for 4 days, I look forward to the coming winter.
I paid $948.00 for 201 gallons of fuel on July 9th, when it was at its all time high.


  • [Hearth.com] Who are you, where are you from..and what do you do?
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Age: 49
Occupation: 30 plus years with railroad company
Reside in: Northwestern Ontario - Beautiful country, mixed forests, lakes, lots of wildlife
Been burning: my parents burn wood so I experienced it as I was growing up but only started myself last Feb.
Hobbies: riding bike, cross country skiing, hunting, putting up firewood
I really enjoy this site, have learned a lot.

Graphic Designer, BA In Commercial Art

Lancaster Pennsylvania

This will be my first year burning my Woodstock Keystone

Roller Hockey, Craft beer, Art, Home improvements, 3 dogs
occupation-electrician for utility co.
south shore of long island
married w/ 2 boys
fireplace burning about 2 yrs.
looking to upgrade to insert or free standing
Name: Scott
Residence: Bucksport Maine
Age: 41
Occupation: Enginer with an air pollution control and boiler efficiency company (power plants).
Wood Burning Experience: 20 years

Installing Pacific Energy T6 this weekend. :)
Name: TJ
Age: 36
Education: BS in Finance
Location: Carver, Ma
Occupation: Cell Tower Technician

Married with 2 young childern.

Boy 3 and a girl 1

Burning for 3 seasons....2nd with my pellet stove
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