Who are you, where are you from..and what do you do?

  • Active since 1995, Hearth.com is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment.

    We strive to provide opinions, articles, discussions and history related to Hearth Products and in a more general sense, energy issues.

    We promote the EFFICIENT, RESPONSIBLE, CLEAN and SAFE use of all fuels, whether renewable or fossil.
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Name: The Dude, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing
Age: 30, though I am told I look good enough that I could pass for 29 1/2
Occupation: Accountant/CPA. Currently and accounting manager for a manufacturing company. I absolutly hate it.
Location: South Central Wisconsin
Years burning: New to the game this year
Hobbies: Hunting, fishing, camping, spending time with my wife, hating our cats, boating, cutting and splitting wood, drinking beer.
Music: Yanni and Kenny G - period. Oh wait, I forgot about my Creedence tapes!
Yeah I got some sweet Creedance on 8-track.
Catskill said:
the_dude said:
Hobbies: drinking beer.

No white russians?

Good point. I do enjoy an occassional caucasian, but pretty much had to give up on Vodka after a rough day in Punta Cana this past January. I'll save that story for another day, but you can probably pretty much guess it.
Age: 28

Occupation : Radio DJ (you can listen to me online if you like top 40/hip hop at www.947hits.com from 9a-2p m-f)

Location: Chateaugay, NY - 5 miles from the Canadian border, 45 miles west of the Vermont border. Also known as the middle of nowhere.

Years Burning: 2 weeks. We just installed our Newmac forced air wood/oil furnace, but my inlaws have been strictly wood for 30 years so my wife grew up "tending the fire".

Hobbies and such: Boating and fishing at Chateaugay Lake, remodeling our home, bowling, staring at fire, staring at woodpiles, staring at trees and using my chainsaw.
Name: Todd
Age: 44
Location: Lake Wissota, NW Wisconsin
Occupation: Retired USCG after 20 years, currently work at Andersen Windows.
Hobbies: Homebrewing beers and mead, Fishing, Hearth.com
Years Burning: I've been burning wood stoves for 20 years or so and grew up with a couple different fireplaces. So many stoves, so little time.
Name: Francis
Age: 42
Occupation: Programmer Analyst/Team Lead working for Cross USA (The IT Alternative to Offshore)
Family: Wife and ~2.88 kids (Will be 3 in November)
School: B/S in CIS from DeVry KC, MO
Hobbies: Computers, Cooking
Location: Verndale, MN
Name: Phil (PJ to my mom)

Age: the big 40 in Jan.

Location: sound beach, NY north shore LI

Occupation: I sell electonic comps for 'Partminer

Years Burning: pyro my whole life... wood stove user as of last year.

Hobby- wood, cars, fishing............ & 420 !
I would have to guess that this is not a typical "cross section" of America. As an observation, It appears that the forum members here represent a higher than normal education level than "average" America (Canada included).

Simply an observation.

I guess that means we're atypical :-).....(Like thats any real surprise!!!!)
Name: Dane

Age: 37

Location: Charlton, MA

Occupation: VOIP switch engineer

Occupation Location: The Technilogical Mecca - Derry, NH - 80 freaking miles from home

Years Burning: Started fires since I was a kid, burning 24/7 for 4 years now

Hobby- wife and 2 girls (6 and 15 months), cooking, building stuff, yard work, just general outdoors stuff (I miss my HVAC and construction days), and sports.
...Just curious, I'm also a Mechanical Engineer, but are you 3 degrees as a ME BA, MA and PhD?

BS (1977), MS (1983), and ME (1983). (ME is an "Engineer" degree...post-Master's, pre-Doctorate. Few schools offer them, mine's from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA. MIT also offers them, or at least used to. I don't hold a PhD, nor am I registered). Rick
Name: Patrick
Age: 32
Location: Bedford, NH (Manchester suburb)
Occupation: Senior Programmer/Analyst (Computer Programmer)
Years Burning: Pretty much my entire life. My parents burned wood for the first 15+ years of my life and I helped stack, load, maintain the stove during that time. The two homes I've owned over the years (consecutive, not at the same time) had fireplaces that I burned in and this year I'm back to a stove having installed one in one of my fireplaces.
Hobbies: Brewing/drinking beer, mead, and cider. Cooking. Music (mostly classic rock and jam band). Typically all three of these things happen at once -- nothing like cooking a big meal to some good music while having a few beers... Watching sports.
Home: Wife, two daughters -- age 2.5 years and 3 months
Name: Sam
Occupation: Truck Driver
Location: Northwest Ohio
Hobbies: Making beaf jerky, Fishing, Hunting,
Years burning: 0 This will be my first.
Married with 4 kids 9yr old girl,6yr old boy,4yr old boy,3yr old boy
Don't feel bad Crazy I must be white trash also.
Name: Greg

Location: Lafayette, IN

Occupation: Maintenance Crew Chief, for a coal fired power plant, at a large university.
: USAF/INANG 24 years (7.5 years active). F15, B52, F16 Load Toad. Retiring Feb. 09

Yrs burning: 3.5 + with a catalytic, now with a non cat.

Hobbies: Fishing, hunting, snowmobiling, anything with an engine. Jack of all trades, master of none.

Have been surfing Hearth.com / Hearthnet since late 2002...yes, I'm addicted!
Name: Dennis, Denny, Backwoods Savage, Logger, Hey you, etc.

Location: About 35 miles from Saginaw, MI

Married (at present) 46 years and counting.

Age: 39

Occupation: What occupation?

Burning wood almost all my life. Went a few years after marriage to my first wife burning oil but soon went back to wood.

Hobbies: Recumbent biking, crewing for RAAM, chess, archery, whitetail deer hunting, leathercrafting, fooling around.
Age: 31
Occupation : Estimator for steel fabrication & tube bending company
Location: Washington IL
Years Burning: Been starting fires and blowing things up since I was a kid, burning 24/7 for 4 years
Hobbies: Fishing, home improvement, fishing, turbo cars (including tdi’s), pumpkin chunkin, oh, and did I mention fishing?
Other: getting married in less than a month, wish me luck!
Backwoods- Reading your info I am reminded of Zaphod Beeblebrox, whose dad was Zaphod the 2nd, and grandpa was Zaphod the third... It was an accident involving a contraceptive and a time machine.
Name: Paul
Age: 40
Occupation: Police Officer, Veteran
Location: SW Michigan
Hobbies: Hunting, Gaming (Axis & Allies, Advanced Squad Leader), Shooting

Burning 6 years, stove came with the house. Never gave it an ounce of thought before that and this site
Adios Pantalones said:
Backwoods- Reading your info I am reminded of Zaphod Beeblebrox, whose dad was Zaphod the 2nd, and grandpa was Zaphod the third... It was an accident involving a contraceptive and a time machine.

Can't be..."42" would have appeared there somewhere. Rick
fossil said:
Adios Pantalones said:
Backwoods- Reading your info I am reminded of Zaphod Beeblebrox, whose dad was Zaphod the 2nd, and grandpa was Zaphod the third... It was an accident involving a contraceptive and a time machine.

Can't be..."42" would have appeared there somewhere. Rick

My wifes favorite book......gotta get her on this board......wait, no I don't.
Name: Chris, married

Location: shoreline, CT

Occupation: graphic designer for a large university

Age: 42 and climbing

Burning History: Began as a kid, dad ran 2 wood stoves in our house...splitting by hand at age 12, ran a chainsaw soon after. Switched to coal, swore I never would do it again when I grew up and here I am now back at it again.

Hobbies: Model train railroading, hiking, playing with my kids, adopting animals
Name: Jane
Occupation: Freelance/self-employed editorial services (transcribing, copy-editing, etc.)
Age: (gulp) 59
Location: A few miles from Lake Champlain in mid-Vermont, small property on the SE side of a low ridge, surrounded on all four sides by undevelopable farmland in the Vt. Land Trust, next-door neighbors 1/4 mile down the road. No woodlot, wayyy too much lawn, great view of the Green Mountains. No traffic, no crime, no airplanes overhead, no screaming sirens, just the occasional honest rumble of heavy farm machinery. I was born in Manhattan by some kind of karmic mistake, finally found home here.
Family: Three cats, a half dozen chickens coming soon.
Years burning: This is my second, hoping to make it through the winter without turning the boiler back on.
Hobbies: Birds, particularly raptors, flower gardening (veg garden now a necessity, not a hobby!)
Music: Classical, Rock-and-roll, R&B;Other Internet: Primarily politics and economic news, for which Hearth.com is a great antidote
I'm a 30 year old IT guy living in Delaware, Ohio. Currently I work for a company that provides managed/outsourced IT services to small businesses that can't afford an internal IT staff.

I have a wife and two dogs. We're hoping that by the end of 2009, we'll have a "little one" added to our family.

I finished my stove install last winter, and had trouble getting my hands on good dry wood. This is my first full year burning the stove and hoping to use as little propane as possible.

Name: Rob
Age: 37
Occupation: Boat Rigger (I Know way too much about Sea Rays), I also run a sign shop out of my house - part time - truck & boat lettering etc...
Location: Meredith N.H. , I own a ranch on an acre of land on a hillside, nice spot with apple, cherry, pear trees, grapes and a great little vegetable garden.
Hobbies: Snowmobiling, Golf, Boating, Ice Fishing and Beer Drinking mixed in with the aforementioned (except the sled)
Family: Wife, 4 year old Son who's not afraid of anything, 2 Australian Sheperds and 2 black cats who stay inside on Halloween...
Years Burning: 3, none 24/7 yet... trying that this season.
Age: 41

Occupation: Statewide Forester with the MD State Highway Administration.

Location: Howard Co., MD--bout 20 miles west of Balt-more, hun...bleve it.

Years burning: I guess off and on for 30 years. It all started when my dad bought an OWB to heat the house I grew up in. We lived in Western N.Y. and I was probably 11 or 12. Spent the next 6-7 years processing 7-8 full cords (by hand) per year to feed that thing. My dad bought a hydraulic splitter when I went off to college. Since I've been in MD I've had fireplaces in most houses I've lived in. This will be my 4th season burning in my current home with my "classic", that came with the house.

Hobbies: Ohh I don't know...I have about 2 acres so I spend a lot of time putzing around the property, trimming my trees, landscaping, BSing with my 80 something year old neighbor, scrounging firewood, processing firewood, working on the vehicles, etc... I like classic rock as well as vintage 70s disco type tunes...and I do enjoy authentic Irish music(Chieftains, Misplaced, etc...).

I have really learned a lot and enjoyed my time here at Hearth.com
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