Who are you, where are you from..and what do you do?

  • Active since 1995, Hearth.com is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment.

    We strive to provide opinions, articles, discussions and history related to Hearth Products and in a more general sense, energy issues.

    We promote the EFFICIENT, RESPONSIBLE, CLEAN and SAFE use of all fuels, whether renewable or fossil.
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Name: Jeff
Location: Northern Adirondack Mountains ( the real upstate NY)
Occupation: Internet Technology
Age: 35 (but with the ankles and knees of a 60 year old)
Burning History: burned wood all growing up, swore I would never do that when I was an adult.... now look at me!
Hobbies: basketball, woodworking, golf( I say that but never have the time to do it)
Name: Tom
Age: 36
Degree: Environmental Science w/minor in Sociology. I currently work part time for a programmable logic company (chips)
Hobbies: Bowling, Vintage VWs,MINIs
Location: Silicon Valley, CA
Married (child-free not childless)
Music: Anything but the newer country, but mostly Rock, Ambient, Alternative, Punk, Old-School Rap
Burning since age 7, but 2nd year with a wood stove
Gerry age 58.

Sales /Marketing Director for a small company.

Burning wood since 1979, just got my second stove. Will burn until I can't lift the maul.

Porsche's, bicycling are my main hobbies
Name: George, but still can`t escape the nickname (Sonny) when old friends come to visit).

Occupation: retired and loving it.

Age: a year older than the famous one-liner man (BB).

Wood burning: more than 30 years, but first year with the new EPA insert.

Hobbies in order of pref: gardening, computer strategy war games, and just living to annoy the "wing nuts"..

Children: oldest son-just finishing his MBA in Taiwan, second son-chartered accountant working in corporate finance (mergers and acquistions) and youngest -my daughter attending university to become a social worker, "and the way things are going, I am sure she will have lots of work"..

I live in the most beautiful place on earth--Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. (Otherwise known as "Canada`s California".. :)
Name: Steve
Age: 60 next month
Occupation: Retired after 35 years in Education. Last job - Technology Integration Coordinator at Pinkerton Academy in Derry, NH.
Location: Chester, NH (Southern NH outside Manchester)
Hobbies: Woodworking and CruiZing with BMW Z3 enthusiasts.
Years Burning: About 2 weeks so far. Had an old Ashley wood stove years ago in the basement but it was more work than it was worth.
Name: Mark

Location: Black Forest Colorado, elevation 7400 feet

Occupation:Software Engineer

Age: 58, older than dirt

Burning History: Started full time wood heat in 1978 when we moved to Fairbanks, Alaska. Slacked off to part wood here where it never really gets cold - after living in 53 below for a few weeks and heating with wood, anything above 20 below is warm :bug:

Hobbies: gardening, photography
Name : Dave
Age : 2 months from 30
Where : 5 miles west of the Capitol of PA Harrisburg (not Philadelphia like 80% of the people I meet think)
Job : Rental Property maintenance (which is why I choose wood over pellets) no longer throwing away limbs and trees!
Hobby : amateur radio

Burning age : two years in cabin with a barrel stove (maybe visit once a month). First year at house with Napoleon 1100C.

Married since 02, no kids and no plans for. Two bratty cats.

Thanks for asking, been kinda curious myself.

Age: 72

Occupation: Retired Navy Aviation Electrician, Livestock farmer.

Location: Southwest Virginia

Hobbies: Hunting, woodworking

Years burning: 30, from Fisher Mama Bear to clean burning Dutchwest "cat".
Age: 50 and feeling great.

Location - weekdays: New York City. I buy and renovate old apartment buildings in Manhatan.
Location - weekends plus: Woodstock NY . . . I go to my home in the country. I've got 5 acres in the forest on a mountain in the Catskills . . . next to 10,000 acres of NYS land.

Burning: Started about a year ago to the day.

Hobbies: Splitting wood; Ultimate Frisbee; hoops; staying in shape; reading and discussing Emerson and Thoreau.

Music: long live rock.
Age: 38

Occupation : Wildlife major that became a science Teacher (AP environmental science, biology, grade 6 science)

Location: Dracut, MA

Years Burning: Starting year 2

Hobbies: Running, Hunting, Hiking, Sci Fi/Horror Games

Beautiful Wife, dog, cat, fishes
Name: Joe

job: Middle School Teacher

Age: 34

From Newport, RI but now live in Kingston, MA...next to Plymouth, MA...home of the pilgrims

First stove insert last March: Jotul 550, but burning at my parents since I was a kid.

Hobbies: Sports and anything having to do with the beach or the mountains
Age: 25

Occupation : Satellite Technician, Rental Property owner/manager

Location: Formerly Jamaica---------currently Baltimore County, MD

Years Burning: 2nd Year

Hobbies: Enjoying a two week old baby boy, wood burning, reading, fishing
Name: Jeff Rockey

Age: 29 years and 93 months old

Location: Shandon Ohio

Occupation: Operations Manager of an electric motor repair shop, part time wrestling coach

Years Burning: 4

Married - 4 kids

Hobbies: I enjoy long walks on the beach at sunset, ATV's, MMA, Wrestling
age 41
name, Darren
location, the foothils of the catskills
occupation, electrician
music, last of the diehard rockers..
hobbies, woodworling,fishing,boating
burning wood for 16 yrs,in an open fireplace
Real name: Rick

Age: 33

Occupation: Network Admin for public sector organization based out of Albany

Location: Morrisonville, NY/West Plattsburgh - 30 minutes from the Canadian border

Started burning April of this year when we bought our current house which happened to have a wood stove.

Married with one 13 month old daughter.
Real Name: Matt

Age: 27

Live east of Pittsburgh, Pa

Occupation: Sales/ IT manger for an Independent Auto Auction

Got the "trailblaze" because i enjoy 4-wheeling (blazing trails in the XJ) and setting things ablaze. Also like Bourbon (Even Williams), hunting with my Lab (abby) and relaxing with the wife, playing cards and making the best of life.

First year with a wood stove. As some of you already know...
Name: Jon
Age: I forget, but born in '65
Location: NW Boston suburb but actually right near the NH line closer to Hollis and Nashua.
Occupation: Although I have a B.S. Psychology, I've been a Parks and Grounds Superintendent for the past 20 years.
Years Burning: 9. Ever since I moved into a house heated by electricity and equipped with two wood stoves and a cord and a half of wood.
Short Story: Happily married with children.
Injested way too much orange sunshine in high school.
Can newbies play?

I'm 43yo
Semi-retired film and television make-up artist
Husband is a structural welder
We live in So. Utah, in Color Country!

We have a small woodburning stove that heats our log cabin. We use it as our only heat source. We've sold 2 stoves since moving here and this one seems to be a Baker knock-off but the manufacturer (Hall Ind. out of Manti, UT) has gone out of business. We burn 24/7 for a few months out of the year, whatever BLM has cut down and left by roadsides...saves us a fortune!

This is the NW edge of the Mojave Desert. It was 91 yesterday and will snow tomorrow!
Name- Stanley
Age-52 yrs young
Work-Yep!!Electronic tech!(23 yrs same place)Hope to retire soon)Nuclear detection equipment!much work with homeland security these days.
Married-Yes 22 yrs!no kids
Location-Haddam,Ct Last 10 yrs.Small colonial and 3 acres of land in a country setting.
Wood burning! Getting back into it since i last had a old smoke dragon in the last home we had.The harman is our first wood stove for this home!bought in late 3/08.
Hobbies!Way too many!bodybuilding,meteorology,computer video games! (still a kid at heart),gardening,etc.
Music!Try to keep an open mind to all types!but my favorites will always be good old rock and roll from the 60s and 70s.Beatles have always been my favorite band.
Degree in Chemistry
I live in northern Maryland in the country surrounded by Fuel.
Painting contractor by profession
Hobbies....sawing and splitting, Rebuilding metal working machinery when not painting or trying to outsmart our 8 year old.
Age: 39

Occupation : Regional Report Analyst

Location: Western Washington, about 40 miles north of Portland, OR.

Years Burning: 7 and still learning

Hobbies and such: Pets, family, photography, pc's, sleeping

Married with pets, 21yr anniversary next Month and we still feel like newlyweds - we do everything together, "his and hers" axes, riding mowers (gotta love my new John Deere! - hated my other rider), stacking, mowing, gettin' dirty. 2 spoiled cats, 2 parrots and 1 3mo old puppy that is super adorable, seems to be very intelligent but is keeping us going with lack of sleep with nighttime potty runs outside. We live on a beautiful but small piece of property, 2.5ac in the country surrounded by trees and nature. Oh yeah, and I'm an electronic junky - LOVE gadgets and toys.

We have a Lopi Freedom insert.
Real Name: Randy (shh.. don't tell anybody)

Age: Varies (paperwork started in '68 though)

Occupation: Currently Photographer (Tewksbury, MA)
Past- Custom Furniture maker (stuff I could never afford myself)
Business Satellite installations (Big Ones)
Wireless Com tech (Cell Tower stuff)
Aircraft Avionics (Helicopters)

Location: Middle of nowhere and within 5 miles of anything I need.

Years burning: Still counting in weeks

Hobbies: Anything I can find to do that doesn't have anything to do with what I'm already doing. (I like variety)
Age: 50, damn it

Occupation : I co-manage a family owned electronic repair service center. LCD's, Plasmas. DLP's, DVD's, microwaves, stereo's, that kinda stuff. Handle all warranty & service contract issues. And listen to alot of needy people whine on the phone during the day.

Location: Long Guyland, NY. LIE Exit 68

Years Burning: Quite a few, menopause came early :-/ Fireplaces over the years. Coal stoves in my teens & 20's. First year with the insert in the FP, should be OK.

Hobbies and such: Horses, obviously. Home improvement & renovation has been an on going project for 15 years. Love to cook. Just got a new puppy, he's keeping me on my toes :coolsmile: The cat, how ever, is not happy.

Music: I mix it up...country, the music of my youth, alittle jazz, some blues, and I have to listen to the SO's fav...Frank Sinatra.
Name: Lori
Age: 49
Location: Enfield, CT
Occupation: Accounts Payable Coordinator/Receptionist (all-around gal) for an Overhaul/Repair Facility in Bloomfield, CT./Part-Time Phone Center Associate at Home Depot here in town (easiest job in the store! But you still deal with a lot of idiots!
From what I'm reading here, most of us work WAY too much!!!!! (necessary evil I guess :-S )
Will be married 25 years next week (Oct. 15) to my hubby Jeff/no kids (by choice)/just lost our "kid", our Golden Retriever, Bailey on Aug. 30 at 13 yrs/7 mths. to cancer/old age...we miss him terribly, will be getting another Golden soon, I hope.
Hobbies/Activities: Hubby and I are members of the National Ski Patrol (14 yrs.) and patrol at Berkshire East in Charlemont, MA. We also are Instructors/Instructor Trainers for the Outdoor Emergency Care Course through National Ski Patrol.
We have 2 Ford Mustangs/a 1965 Fastback (hubby's/owned for 30 yrs) and a 1966 Convertible (mine/owned for 18 yrs)/attend many cruise nights and some car shows in the area. We both are involved in competitive shooting/mainly pistol (IPSC).
Music: I like just about everything except jazz and opera. I'm a big classic rock fan...Pink Floyd/Zeppelin/The Who...love 'em all!
Years Burning: 1/This is our first year with the pellet stove. (Harman Accentra Insert & 4 ton in the basement) Love it so far! ;-P
Age: 40

Occupation : Buyer

Location: Island in Eastern Maine

Years Burning: Well, I've enjoyed burning things all my life. :) Now, that I put my stove in, it's more than a hobby. And even more fun.

Hobbies and such: I work too much, but when I'm not working . . . hiking, kayaking, and home improvement. My love of fishing and golfing are distant memories I hope to get back to some day.

This site is wonderful. Great people. Best to all of you.
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