BeGreen said:
Seasoned Oak said:
i keep hearing how EXPENSIVE the volt is but as i said earlier a $349 lease is a WHOPPING $16 more than the last car i leased. That car got 25 MPG and was no hybrid . Wheres the huge expense. After the 3 year lease is up if the volt dont depreciate it will be a bargain to exercise the option to purchase,if it does depreciate too much ill just give it back, 3 years is a lifetime as far as electric car advances go,besides there will probably be a dozen other choices by that time including a $249 lease on a NEW 2015 Volt with an 80 mile range.
I've never leased a car. It's never made good economic sense for me. But if you are going to lease, then sure why not try one? When test driving, also try out the Ford Fusion Hybrid. I hear it's a nice vehicle and also made in the USA.
I've never seriously considered a lease either. But we are talking new technology, technology that will be vastly better in a few years, and if like the iPads, better in a couple of months
So leasing a Volt would be the time I would seriously consider leasing. Your ownership costs would not be that bad or that far off from buying a "regular" car. $30 a week for gas and a car payment could easily top the $349 a month for the lease. My pickup payments for a used pickup (old truck so a 30 month payment plan is $280 a month, and getting 18 mpg the $30 a week estimate is low

A Volt looks like a money saver for me. Now to talk to my power company in the town I work in. They are great and would probably be interested in setting up a "Charging Center". Maybe use their EV to drive people to and from their facility. Ooh look, a potential job creation opportunity. Could get a valet crew to drive people to and from work, park their EV's at a charging facility so the chargers could be centralized... If we thought about the future instead of cowering in fear of change we could get some progress in this country.
this at your work parking lot or garage. The metering method if actually necessary would be the most expensive part of it.
Garygary, I used your plans to put up some solar panels on my roof. Thank you for putting up that site, it has been great

I made some mistakes in the implementation of my panels, but even with the mistakes, which I plan to fix this spring when I add more panels I have cut my oil use for hot water dramatically... Thank you for posting the plans that others have made, it has helped me see that solar is possible and feasible. Even in my little wooded corner of Maine.