Minister of Fire
Yesterday I started burning some mixed cordwood that came with a stove that I bought a couple weeks ago. I think most of it is soft wood because it is light weight compared to my seasoned maple and ash. Some of it is heavy, but most of it is light weight. It might be borderline "over-seasoned", which is why I'm burning it now, rather than later in the winter.It's burning hot, but it's burning faster than my ash and maple. I'm no tree expert, so I'm not sure what most of it is. It's also typical for cordwood around here, that most of what you get from firewood suppliers is soft wood, the less-than-desireable-wood, or "junky" wood.
So today I am burning more of this mix of mystery wood. But my Fisher doesn't care, it's throwing plenty of heat
So today I am burning more of this mix of mystery wood. But my Fisher doesn't care, it's throwing plenty of heat