Minister of Fire
I knew it was the equivalent to red oak just smells a lot better when it's burned lol I however did not realize that it needed 2 yrs to season like oak does it's been only a year sence what little bit I have trimmed off before I bring the whole tree down I hate to because of what it is and it's beautyfull unfornetly it poseses a safety hazard for my house and family preovious owners didn't trim it proper so now the trunk is roting plus both the main croches on the tree are bad one is hollowed out and the lower one is split down into the main trunk about 4 ft hopefully I might be able to get a new one to replant but in a different area of my yard.
That's a shame, Sugar Maple is beautiful. I'll never cut down any trees, especially hardwoods, if I can avoid it. I stick to standing dead trees or stuff that has fallen but not rotten yet. Luckily the house came with a couple of cords of really nicely seasoned wood from who knows how long ago, but now that's getting pretty low. We are picking up some compressed wood bricks when I get out of the hospital. My wife is intimidated by my six speed dually diesel ram, so I pretty much have to go with her.