What Is In Your Stove Right Now?

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Previous load wasn’t done yet but broke it up into big coals and put in 2 big pieces of ash, with one big knotty piece before we hit the road . Should burn for a long time.


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  • [Hearth.com] What Is In Your Stove Right Now?
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After last night's mostly spruce and some maple load, I added some spruce now and an oak ugly
Coals in the dragon. It's hungry.....as usual. I have a cord in the lair with a fridged upcoming week in the forecast. The cord is a balance of mixed and premium hardwoods. That pickup load of black ash wasn't a full truck load. The dragon ate half of it already. It was only limb wood but it was a help. I have a little pile of splits left outside from last fall's "splitter fest.'' After that I'm scrounging through reserves that need to be processed.

On a positive note, I resealed the attic opening. :)
Had to let stove go out from this morning after reloading once and STT was 725 and house got 77 with outside temp of 33 and some wind. House now 72. Will load in the early evening. Used 9 splits total.
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Came home from work and cleaned out some ash to replace a broken fire brick. I think it was my fault, it was at the back of the stove. Might have stuff a piece of wood in there too hard. The replacement firebrick I got is much heavier and solid (pretty expensive too) I believe the original one is pumice. This replacement should reflect much more heat. I purchased 2 to have as a spare. This is one that is an odd size (4x9x1.25). Also gave the glass a quick wipe and loaded with oak and maple with some white pine for a cold start.

the pinecone was a nice touch 👍🏼
I thought maybe burning was over for us but apparently not. Gonna be cold tomorrow. Got the stove set up with some oak ready to light tomorrow morning.

On a negative note we have been without running water since yesterday evening. Our well pump went out. Called out the well company. They are coming tomorrow to install new one. Not cheap. UGH!
29 out, going down to 24. Upstairs 72.
Reloaded with spruce. And one split of oak in the lower left. Coals are good if I forget to reload...


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I always find it surprising how hot it can be in front of this.
By the time I stopped the video my hands were burning. 1 ft from the glass.
A mostly smoldering stove can give a lot of heat.

I also find that spruce smoldering gives less black glass than oak or maple.


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21/11 outside. 5 ash, 2 sugar maple and a beech tonight. Deep freeze returns Sunday night through Thursday. Accepted an offer on the house today, so the move to the Northwoods should be forthcoming... Real cold there, but generally not as bad as what @Todd see's. I always compare what he posts and what my app says our area up there is at.
Stuck 4 in there for fire starters (can’t see 3 of them because they’re stuffed under the kindling), work great!
Love pinecones natures fire starter. Collect totes of them on my property every year.
Morning All, 22 outside stuff the cold start with 6 splits of red oak, cherry, elm and two types of maple. Bad weather coming in tonight.
The dragon got it's breakfast around 7am. Chilly in the house.

Overnight load was around 1:30am. All premiums, red oak, honey locust, 1 piece of pignut, and a sugar. Small coal bed this morning. Only a couple splits were hefty in size. It's those honey splits that left those coals that long. This morning's snack consists of more black ash, split of white ash, one of either black or wild cherry, and a good sized split of sugar.
21/11 outside. 5 ash, 2 sugar maple and a beech tonight. Deep freeze returns Sunday night through Thursday. Accepted an offer on the house today, so the move to the Northwoods should be forthcoming... Real cold there, but generally not as bad as what @Todd see's. I always compare what he posts and what my app says our area up there is at.
Congrats on selling the house! Whereabouts are you moving to?

16-72 feels good to have a morning above zero but it’s not suppose to last long.
23 out, 70 upstairs.
Could have gone a half hour more to a 12 hr burn but gotta go. Reload with more spruce.


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Congrats on selling the house! Whereabouts are you moving to?

16-72 feels good to have a morning above zero but it’s not suppose to last long.
Rural Rhinelander area
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Reactions: Todd
Rural Rhinelander area
Beautiful country up there. I love the Wisconsin north woods.

I'm often comparing temps from posts here on Hearth! Today it is snowing like crazy, probably 6" now but more coming.
27 outside, 72 inside. Furnace is happily cruising on it's diet of ash and a stick or two of maple. There is another cold snap coming this week after the snow. Saving some yellow birch for that.

OK, enough of this. I'm off to plow snow.....