What Is In Your Stove Right Now?

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Elm and oak IN the stove. Eggs ON the stove.
[Hearth.com] What Is In Your Stove Right Now?
Up to 7/-3. 3 shoulder season splits went in early so I could get out snowblowing. Last nights coal pile only allowed 5 big splits for the overnight, but because it was pretty early this morning there was still quite the pile. Sun is out so I'm going to do the old small shoulder season load, burn down coals and ash routine today. Below zero tonight again with wind, so by this afternoon I will need to start heat soaking the house before the sun goes down.
Back on the HP for a couple of days. Pushing into the 50s today and it finally stopped raining. We got 3 inches in the last 24 hours and it was getting tiring to keep a burn going through all that.

Gonna clean the stove out and get ready for the wife feeding the rock next week.
I hope your wood pile in the house is stocked well........cold air is on the way!!! ;lol

It's in used condition, but should be just fine when it gets to you!!!!!
We're loaded up with beech, we even have some ironwood I've never burned since it was brought indoors in December.

Used cold air is fine, that means even though it will be cold, it will be warmer compare to when you had it.

NOAA is saying we should have another 9 to 16 inches of snow by the time everything ends on Monday. The good thing is, our snow storage areas aren't full, one hasn't had any put in it yet, another one received a bunch of snow yesterday and the last one started getting snow stored there at the beginning of the week.
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