What Is In Your Stove Right Now?

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Last nights spruce with 1 maple load. Went pretty good by the looks of it this am. Wife is on stove patrol today. Temps drop through the day with low teens tonight.

[Hearth.com] What Is In Your Stove Right Now?
Ironwood time?
I did put two nice size splits of beech with one split of ironwood in the wood stove after your post, next will be five rounds & splits of ironwood, we'll see if that makes a difference.

We did run the propane fireplace earlier so a certain amount of that heat is still hanging around.

I'm getting old, I was at a wake all afternoon yesterday and I didn't make it back until 6:15 or 6:30, had breakfast for supper and then started watching a NHL hockey game (1 period), I woke up just before 12 so that's why I never had an overnight fire.

They were replaying the hockey game I was watching so I caught the last two periods later last night, the Sabres won one. They play NJ Devils tomorrow, they usually don't match up well with NJ, it could be a long game for the Sabres.
I added some uglies at 9 am because I had to leave to drive my daughter to rock climbing (an hour drive, 3 hrs climbing, and an hour back).
Still going nicely though; 72(.7!) upstairs and 31 and decreasing outside. Sunny but very windy.
Just got home and put in a 3/4 load of shoulder season wood. Nice coals from the morning load of 6 ash but the house is a bit chilly (68 downstairs and 66 upstairs). Will let this load rip along and then hardwood for the overnight. Temperature will be rising a little overnight.
24 outside going down to 17.
Upstairs 71.
Reload of red and white oak.


  • [Hearth.com] What Is In Your Stove Right Now?
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6 ash, 1 B and 1 H locust.
2* with a real of -6*. It's cold in the house and I just don't care. Wood is getting low and it's a fight to get everyone to keep the heat in. It's being waisted from carelessness. When we run out, they can freeze. So be it.

I'm good.
Went back down in the lair about an hour ago. The locust was good and charred. The ash beneath was still in split form but glowing coal.
I added 3 more honey locust and 4 good sized splits of red oak. Killed power to the blower to let the limit switch climb. Opened air fully and waited. Once the limit switched got almost to peak, I restored blower power. This gives the blower a chance to push the cold slug of air out of the ductwork and provide good heat. I left the air open. Blower kept running strong for quite some time. Closed the air down to my normal setting and the blower was still running full. Finally got the house warmed back up.

Almost been another hour and seems like it needs more wood. The hungry dragon has no bottom belly. It just eats.
Went back down in the lair about an hour ago. The locust was good and charred. The ash beneath was still in split form but glowing coal.
I added 3 more honey locust and 4 good sized splits of red oak. Killed power to the blower to let the limit switch climb. Opened air fully and waited. Once the limit switched got almost to peak, I restored blower power. This gives the blower a chance to push the cold slug of air out of the ductwork and provide good heat. I left the air open. Blower kept running strong for quite some time. Closed the air down to my normal setting and the blower was still running full. Finally got the house warmed back up.

Almost been another hour and seems like it needs more wood. The hungry dragon has no bottom belly. It just eats.
I feel your pain today, sucked the wood earlier and that last refill took a while to get the cat up to temp. CATs only hovering at 1075 or so, but it has some nice dancing flames in the firebox. Chilly out there… about 11deg F outside right now.
Better here than at the better half or too hard at the kids or you might be sleeping with the dog...😂
Appreciate the humor.....if ya only knew.
Hey on the bright side, the 4 dogs would keep me warm! LOL
It has been an old fashion winter for this area so far, hopefully February overall is warmer.

If it stays cold out, I might have to cook more soups this month along with some homemade Italian bread.
Back up from the lair. All was a big pile of coals. 3rd load since that 9pm load last night. Was down there watching the blue flames dancing in the big pile of coal chunks. Memorizing blue flame technology. Lost myself there for a bit watching them play. Added more honey locust, red oak, and one beach.

Can't wait for spring. Are we there yet?