I look for all kinds of free stuff on Craigslist - can be firewood/logs,construction lumber/plywood,other building material,certain vegetables or fruit in season,a little of everything.'
Havent been to a regular barber in 11 yrs.Let my ponytail grow out & once every 6 months or so I trim the ends even with scissors.Last time I checked the barber 2 blocks from home (who I went to for years) charged $15 for a haircut,that's no matter if you wanted a trim or it all chopped off.Beard trims were $5 regardless.Screw that

Buy my jeans,most sweatshirts/t shirts for work at DAV,Goodwill (just bought 2 pair tonight after dinner),garage sales & the occasional flea market.I cant see paying full price for new ones when they get trashed on the job in a few months anyway.
Pack my own lunch for work,only time I dont is if employer has a special 'safety lunch' the next day,with pizza or sandwiches etc brought in.
I drink water from the tap with a Brita filter,keep a gallon jug full in the fridge at all times.Rarely when eating out do I have anything but ice water to drink.Just occasionally I'll have a cup of coffee,ice tea or if its late afternoon/evening,a cold beer.
I drink PBR,Leinenkugel's Original Lager,Old Style & Grain Belt & a couple other cheaper regional domestics at home.Whatever's on sale that week/month pretty much.Once in a while I'll have a Guinness,Woodchuck Cider or Spaten Lager when I feel like splurging.Though I do like a couple different 10 & 15 yr old Single Malt Scotches(neat) & JD Black w/Coca Cola, one of those bottles will last me close to a year.
I cut probably 90% of the wood I burn off parents land - They're upper 70's to early 80's & couldnt do the work anymore nor afford to hire it done anyway.Helps keep their property looking nice,helps keep me in shape & saves on natural gas bill during the winter months.
Most all the wooden furniture in the house such as bookcases,coffee/end tables,some benches,cabinets etc I've built myself over the past 20+ yrs.All except dining room table & chairs.
Do my own tax returns,home repair/maintenance/remodeling & truck maintenance.Basic small engine stuff too like sharpening chains,mower blades,nothing real elaborate like rebuilding though.
Grow a few veggies/lots of herbs,cant do much with small lot though it helps.
Buy certain things in bulk to save on packaging & trips to the store.Walk to the mailbox down the street when I have letters to mail instead of driving to Post Office which I only do when mailing stuff I sold on Ebay.
Plus the usual stuff like combining trips the same day when running errands/doctor appointments to save on gas,shutting off lights/appliances/AC in rooms not used etc.Turning thermostat down when gone/at night.