Hey Bro! You have said so much and given good straight Op! No condescending blather and nothingness. No scolding. I would trust you above all I have heard here tho I may have missed a lot. Below is a email I just sent to a Woodstove company 3 hours away who service this area and are fair and good snd well respected. It may give insight into my situation. Sorry it’s so long.
Hello! First off you guys come highly recommended as a efficient honest company. Second I apologize for the long email but as you will see it would be impossible to describe over the phone.
I bought a V.C Aspen C3 woodstove because it was a size and shape I could retrofit to our Secondary Kiva Fireplace (long story lol) a contractor friend and I installed a 6 in smooth wall stainless liner into our 7-1/2-7 3/4” Ceramic tile liner (Tight fit

) inside a adobe chimney which is Very thick 20 ft from chimtop to damper (which I painstakingly removed. fun job) area connected the existing outside air which was a bit smaller than the 4inch stove air intake. Prob about 1-3/4”x3-1/2-4” thru wall to outside. Connected liner with one adjustable elbow very securely. The two kivas are in a half circle really kinda back to back (the smaller kiva is holding the Woodstove) and the individual chimneys terminate on roof right next to each other at close to same height. woodstove chim is about 3-4 inches lower than the open large Kiva. They terminate at only about 24-26” from the Parapet on the flat roof. So all that said here are our issues.
Also the buffer closing off the liner 12-16 inches above stove where damper shelf was/is is probably the weak link. The area around liner stack was stuffed with ceramic glass insulation then a kinda poorly cut tin closing it all off. Probably NOT airtight the top of the chimney also is wrapped with this insulation. Prior to sealing w a proper airtight/water tight stack cap.
1- the stove as you may know has now draft control it’s all automatic inside stove. Nice idea but leaves us helpless regarding controlling draft. It is quite difficult to start the fire as per draft issues and it takes quite a while to get it to take off. Then we must wait till the coals are completely burned down too a “Perfect point” of super hot still standing and glowing to open stove or we are overcome by smoke pouring out of the front of stove while loading. That’s all good to some extent now that I have learned the trick of waiting for perfect reload coaling. I have burned wood all my life but not with a fancy stove like this lol. Big Standard Oil barrels stove mostly. Love those beasts lol. Miss em.
2-Last night we decided to have a fire in the in the large open kiva. It’s was great for a while then it started gentle back drafting and kept it up no matter what I did. Very subtle but so we were totally miserable to the point I had to cool with water a larger log I had burning and throw it out in the driveway and shut the kiva fire down and let coals burn out. Really fun.
3- we had tried burning the two kivas once when we had company to show off lol. Same thing happened. Not possible but I could not figure out why? Both have individual outside air intakes.
4- stove burns slow and steady and when it is really cooking at a medium high heat there is little to zero heat coming out of the stack on top. Though there is some sign of hard glassy creosote on exterior of stack so I imagine the inside is building more of the same telling me we have a poor burn going on. I burn very dry dead down dinosaur bone dry Oak using pine kindling.
We thought about extending the chimneys a foot or so just to see if it needs more height.
So this all said we would love your opinion and would love and happy to pay for a phone consultation if ya think there are things I can do prior to a possible in house inspection which may result in pulling stove and inspection auto draft chain adjustment or measuring for a better draft buffer above stove. Here are some photos showing the stove/kiva on left and large open kiva on right. I may add that we heated last year with the large kiva maintains fires that heated the whole kiva mass adding g to keeping house warm.
Photos. You can see elbow connection circled yellow. You can see glass is continually blackened even more than this photo which is about as hot as it gets.
Thanks so much. “