Total newbie, completely fubar system.

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I think I would try to get a stock fan - maybe call new Horizons? They might even have an after market replacement or reference for one?

Might avoid a lot of issues trying to get a 240v fan working on a 120 controller - and more fireworks.

Gotta wonder along with everything else how it ended up with a 240v fan on it. More head shaking....
.(broken image removed)$125 at new horizons. Look under boiler parts / blowers.
Alright! So thanks to generous and totally unexpected donations I will be able to get the controler I need to make my system run properly! Now what I need is an electrician to tell me how to wire it without frying it. I have a 240v fan on the boiler that the 120v ONLY controler has to run. Anyone know how this can be done?

I also want to thank all persons who helped with a bit of human kindness this family who had a need. I am awed at the people who populate this forum.
From Stee who showed up to work things out, to those who offered a bit of cash, to those who offer suggestions and humor you are truly what this country needs. Honest caring humans.
If you had to make your fan work you could get a relay with a 120v coil and use that to switch your 240 fan on and off.
Its whats on it. Looks original. New Horizons website doesnt list a fan for it so im not sure where id get a replacement 120v version.

Hey, Cold. Great news on the donation! Pretty awesome forum we have here.

Are you sure you have a 240V fan? I thought your fan was wired directly to the wall, separate from the 240V plug that was running (through a relay) the controller? I guess I don't remember exactly. It would sure be nice to not have to buy a new fan since yours seems to work fine. But you surely do not want to fry a new controller.

One quick tip - start getting ahead on your wood splitting for next year. Way ahead if you can. Once this boiler is setup properly it's going to be a bit more particular about what kind of wood it wants.
Understood Stee, I figured out that if I run 120v to the controler, then the fan output circuit to a 120v relay, I can hook the other side of that relay to a 240v circuit and the fan. That way I have an isolated 120v for the controller and an isolated 240v for the fan.
That approach would work also, and should give you a bit of safety. As long as you're sure your fan is actually a 240 one. I guess just putting the relay on whatever is there now powering it should be pretty safe, whether it's 120 or 240? Long as the load side of the relay can do both/either - I think mine can.
Been 3 weeks, how's everything working? Get the new controller and relays installed?
No. Bought some dry wood to get us thru. Figured it was a better choice for the moment. I have a system in place that works pretty well without the controller and my house is always above 68°. Not ideal by any means but will get us thru the winter.
-45 windchill tonight is what I just saw. Keep her pushing, ColdInMi!
Running her full tilt all day today. Going to be a hastle keeping it hot without boiling over tho. I sprung a leak at another one of those compression fittings but next to the boiler this time. Slow but still leaking. At least if that blows thebwater isnt in the house lol!
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