Deny it all you want. Merchant and naval ships kept detailed records of their observations of all types. These were later transcribed and recorded at various institutes of learning in all the countries that could be considered advanced in those days. This information was invaluable and essential for the expansion of commerce and empires.
Science is capable of correlating old and new data, including compensating for known errors in the old data. We progress because of science, despite the vigorous attempts of those who deny science in the name of politics, religion, profit, and ignorance .
No we progress because of our willingness to do so as mankind. Science is a tool in which we explain and understand what's around us. As an engineer it would sound self righteous and wrong to say the world's improvements are do to engineering (a form of science). It is do to man and his creativity and inspiration to do so. Engineers use science, whereas others use art and other ways to improve their surroundings.