So a "draft" guy from woodland advised you that it is better to give up heat from the pipe???If a single wall pipe gets you into the clearances needed, I would go with that and be done. Yes they should have done it right and informed you of this. But a single wall pipe is such a simple solution a court is not going to give you much more then the cost of a single wall pipe and chances of getting them to pay your legal fees is a second battle. I do not understand how a single wall pipe allows the stove body to be closer to the wall, but if the manufacturer says so my bet is the court would recommend that as the solution. A court will look for a compromise on both sides, chances of them giving you exactly what you want is slim. Most stoves run with a single wall stove pipe unless you need to reduce the clearance of the actual pipe to a combustible. When installing mine I was going to do double wall seemed safer, but the draft guy at woodland direct explained why that was not needed and I would get better room heating with a single wall. He was DOWN selling me.