Anybody else "Stickin it to the Man
" out there. LOL. The other day I sold a heat convector off craigslist and the guy stuck around for more than an hour fascinated with the wood boiler. He was an interesting character. He thought I was using some other sort of heat source besides the wood boiler. I showed him the gas boiler and water heater with the gas valves shut off. It was about 10 degrees out with a 30 mph wind and 65 in the house. He shook my hand and said "WOW you really are STICKIN TO THE MAN DUDE". I simply said, with a grin on my face. UHHH YEP. I never really though of that way. I just do what I do to save a buck, plus its a great hobbie, but now I REALLY AM STICKIN TO THE MAN. Whoever he is.