Did the "scratch test" years ago for spring/fall allergies. The trees I mentioned, came up as positive for allergies. I think I said, beech, but meant birch. Between the birch and oak, it sometimes gets to me when burning. No big deal, but for those complaining of wood smoke, these are triggers. For those suffering allergies, let me give you some solid advice... 25 years plus for prescriptions, I finally went to a ENT specialist, come to find out, I had a double deviated septum. The Dr stated that at sometime in my life, I suffered a broken nose. I think I was about 9 (circa 60's) and got nailed with a frisbee to the nose and cheekbone. I think I broke my nose then because I could actually see me cheekbone as it was so swollen. Anyways, the surgery for the deviated septum was a total suck as I was in so much pain...but this was one of those events (surgery) I regret not having done years ago.