I am the opposite about used stuff. I hate buying anything used. My dad always said "Why buy somebody else's problems." I like buying something new, treating it right, and having it almost forever.
I agree with you about pro grade saws and pro grade everything else. I generally buy the best item available. However, I am fortunate enough to have the money to do so. Like my comparison, I am pretty sure a Farm Boss will cut plenty of wood for quite a long time. If somebody cannot afford a pro grade saw right now but needs one to cut firewood, might as well buy a lower end saw that will get the job done and allow them to save on the heating bill. By saving money on the heating bill, hopefully that will free up additional money down the road for a new saw in a different niche or a better grade saw in the same niche as the Farm Boss and the Farm Boss can be put on CL or ebay.
I also agree with you, but I think it all has to do with the buyer. If you know saws, what to look for in terms of problems, etc., you can get some really nice deals on used saws. But.......for newbies, the used saw market could be a nightmare. Cheers!