HittinSteel said:smokinjay said:HittinSteel said:mecreature said:smokinjay said:HittinSteel" date="1330735373 said:mecreature" date="1330734468 said:wkpoor" date="1330734010 said:Well I guess its like anything in life. I've been to GTGs with loggers that wouldn't run anything but a modded saw and then there is someone who says the opposite. I try to go with what most people are saying just like what most people on this site have said about EPA stoves. I try to take from experiences also like the time I first found out about square chain. Armed with that knowledge and having seen it for myself I was telling a dealer one day about it. Mind you a dealer now. No way was I going to convince him there was such a thing let alone it could make your saw cut faster. Some time later he apologized and admitted it does exist. But the point was until he went and checked for himself I was a dump a**. So when the boys show up on June 2nd I'll make sure I take polls on the subjects talked about here. That way any ideas expressed here won't just be my opinion. AT lunch I'll play 20 questions to the group and porting, fuel, right saw for the job, ect ect.
I have been reading over at Arborist. They sure do have an enthusiastic modded saw group there.
How much would I have to pay to get a 346XP maxed out by one of the Doctors. Just curious.
You don't want to hangout with those hoodlums hahaha
Seems like the going price is about $250 for a woods port. Honestly though, as has been said, a muffler mod and a sharp chin is good enough....... but then again, I'll be grinning ear to ear running the ported 372 this weekend.
250.00+ 500.00 or so for the saw. Thats a 750.00 for 50cc saw. Oh and I laugh all day long myself! :lol: Still wonder what that magium sticker is all about?
just taking a peek at the dark side HittinSteel.
I guess the best deal would be a good used saw and port that thing.
I can see the fun in it. Its the whats next thats the killer.
Yes I have under $500 in my ported 372.......
Now your talking, thats my kinda of saw!
It's not the prettiest, but it will last a long time....just got new seals, carb kit and a new piston.
I am with you nothing pretty just all work. Unless its for sale then she stays pretty! :cheese: