Figured I'd chime in with my two cents. I'm one of those that just ordered a stove 2 weeks ago and looking at, hopefully, getting mine in October. Wish I would have done it a lot sooner, but hey hindsight is 20/20 as they say. The biggest reason I am doing it is that I would much rather spend my money in the U.S. instead of sending it off who knows where for oil. I am hoping that a bunch of people jump on the bandwagon of pellet stoves and we as a group can make the oil companies/suppliers feel some kind of pain comparable to the pain we have all been going through. I have a 100-year old house in Eastern Maine and go through about 1000 gallons of heating oil a season. I have started tearing out the walls and insulating, but, as with many of us with children there just doesn't seem to be enough time to get everything done that needs to be done. I had a budget plan through the local oil company where my usage is spread out over 11 months of the year. Last year my monthly payment, remember just to heat my house, was $260/month. That's more than my wifes car payment. Well, this year my payment would have gone to $419 a month. I have a pretty good job, considering the area, and my annual raise doesn't even come close to touching that. So, I decided that I needed to do something. I don't know if this is the right decision, but in my opinion it is a whole lot better than doing nothing at all. At least now I will have a couple of options to heat my home, which is kind of important in my book. Only time will tell if any of us has made the right decision, but I think if we all are able to take some money out of Sheik Ahmud Sayeed pocket, sorry if I offend anyone, then it is a good start. Last week I also ordered 3 tons of Corinth Wood Pellets for $191.18/ton. I was in Sam's Club and saw a bunch of pellets priced at just $4.09/bag which isn't too shabby either. I'm sure a bunch of people will jump in saying that the Sam's pellets are junk but this is a big box store and they haven't raised their prices as of yet. Sorry for babbling on but I am a very opinionated person and have some very strong views, that I won't get into here, about what is going on around the country. But anyway, please jump in and give me your thoughts.