It would seem to me that an easy, seat of the pants, test for adequate draft is to watch the baro flap. If it never moves off of closed, it might be weak draft. It it's always a-flappin to kill the draft, like mine is, well, the draft ain't it. Just me, but if my stove wasn't working, and I thought low draft was the problem, I'd give it a try without the baro. The baro is a huge leak just being there even with the flap closed. There's leakage around the closed flap, as well as around the tee parts. I'm not going to say this is the long term solution, as the draft may increase as temps decline into winter, but its a quick test that could be done today. Further off the cuff thoughts - I might try some hi-temp silicone to seal the joints in the baro tee, and some carefully applied aluminum foil over the baro flap end would make for a 10 minutes of labor test. No stove pipe rejiggering required.