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We rent land from a guy that had a stroke a few years back and have been helping him make his firewood. Pops and I spent today splitting wood today for him and filling his basement. No idea how many cord but we split about nonstop for 6hrs. No idea why he's cut these pieces into 12' long pieces but it took forever to get this trailer full lol. We filled and emptied it three times and stacked it in his basement.
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP
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short pieces suck Mike, good job helping him out, last night was a big fail for me, set the valves on the wifes 05 cummins, went half mile and number 1 exhaust backed off and launched the bridge off, no harm done but didnt take my phone so had to run back to the shop, my old butt don't like that, pulled it back and reset stuff and all good! didn't get home til like 10:00 my butt is dragging today
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Pops and I started clearing out a tree line a while back.
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP

The bucket on the 7400 made a really nice saw stuff transporting device. Held everything nicely and was easy to work off of.
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Lots of nice Ash in the line we mowed off. I acquired a Red Lever 026 last fall and had it ported and I put a wrap handle off an 044 on it. This thing is a little beast !!
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There were a couple decent sized trees in there that gave the 066 a workout. His big poplar was all the 32” SugiHara bar wanted. Santa dropped that bar off over Christmas in his UPS truck 😁
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I acquired some wedges and got to making some poorly placed cuts to try them out.
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All in all we cleaned off about 800’ of space. Having the trees gone again will open up more useable ground and allow me to put an irrigator through both fields at once one day.
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I did a lot of the cutting with Dads 041. This thing will rattle your brains out but it has such a nice exhaust note and you almost can’t stall it with a 20” bar. It just digs in and goes. Dad purchased this new almost 50yrs ago and I have no plans to get rid of it any time.
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP

How in the world did we ever get anything done before skid loaders !?
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This new little red wagon sure is sweet for hailing crazy amounts of wood home at once !
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This along with everything plus two more loads than what’s in the 4th picture is what we hauled home. Between this pile and a few other piles I have in various places I “should” have enough wood for next year already. And I recently secured a pasture to clear out not far away that is full of HUGE Red and White oaks. The guy wants to farm it again and doesn’t want the wood. Uh yes I’ll come cut it down ! Likely will be a bunch of nicer stuff we’ll save for saw logs but there will be a ton of firewood as well. I’m pumped !
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP
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Hauled all the stumps and brush off the field today !! I dug them out a while back and finally got to getting them gone.
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP

Couple big ones in there lol
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This one will need to get drug off the field. I cloud barely push it with the skiddy !
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All in we hauled 35 loads like this today with another 20ish left. It’s going to be a monster brush pile fire one day this fall !
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP
Mike, those aren't big lol, I grubbed a huge cotonwood out once that my D7E couldn't even push the root ball, took the excavator and the 7 to get it out of the hole, then tied an 8950 onto it with a chain and the D7 pushing to get it down the hill to the burn pile, that was interesting. It is nice though to be able to get some work done this time of year without being buried in snow or mud!
A buddy called and asked if I wanted to play with chainsaws and help him cut down a big dead codominant elm. Play with chainsaws AND a tough fall ? Well duh !
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP

I brought the logging van. It’s suited for this task quite well. To be honest, it’s suited for every task quite well 😂
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I didn’t want to stand on a ladder so he brought me a roundy to stand on. It worked very well !
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Yahtzee! This as a nasty one. Cutting above the split was the right call I think.
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP

With the stump this one was almost 100’ tall. That’s a decent sized tree for our parts !
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP

Running this 066 is like wrestling a hog. It’s a blast, you get dirty and you know you’re going to be exhausted when you’re done.
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP
@jblnut nice job, you can come run my 084, bit of a trip but I have a big ash needs to come down, probably going to have to use the loader and limb it some first, then push it the way I want it to go once its more uniform.
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@jblnut nice job, you can come run my 084, bit of a trip but I have a big ash needs to come down, probably going to have to use the loader and limb it some first, then push it the way I want it to go once its more uniform.
That’d be a great time ! I can’t honestly think of what I’d need something larger for than this 066 can handle. Makes me feel like someone is going to come cut a corner off my man card for saying that lol.

I have a buddy up here that has started a tree service and he brought “a few” loads of wood he didn’t have a home for over the other day. It’s all Ash and maple so I can’t really argue with that!
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP

A little while back he dropped off a couple loads with some big stuff in that I finally got around to blocking up. That 066 and 32 inch bar looks pretty small on those chunks 😂
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP
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I got the 084 more as a novelty, a buddy and I own it together, but that thing with a 36 inch is sure nice on some of them big chunks, we have gotten a few logs that are so big we don't even try, when you have to just roll them with the 1845C and they are forks they go to the burn pile
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I wish we had some big trees to use my big saws on
I break out my 661 once in a while just because,but never any real work for it
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I wish we had some big trees to use my big saws on
I break out my 661 once in a while just because, but never any real work for it.
I don't use it all that often aside from blocking up big stuff at home. It's run to run but makes me realize I'm not in the best physical condition lol
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I loaded up all the non-splitter stuff that got dropped off to move it over to the spot I have the rest of the wood today.
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP

Little red tractor dumping the little red wagon for the first time. It did well !
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Next to move was all the stuff that needs to be split. Two big loads of this stuff ! Made the tires squat on the tractor a little lol. Gonna have to pump 'em up !
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP
Hello y’all !! It’s been a while but we’re back at making firewood to feed the boiler again. We headed out yesterday with the smaller saws to buck up some poplar that I cut down this spring.
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Pops and the supervisor drug them out of the brush so they were easier to cut up.
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It was warmish so we did one load and headed in for ice cream lol
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I sold some hay to a buddy this spring and hauled a load of wood back each trip. I think I hauled 6 loads like this. He’s cleaning up his woods and can’t burn it all so I told him I’d take whatever he doesn’t want. Can’t argue with that !!
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP

Look at those cute little loads of round bales 😂
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP

Because of his generosity I’ve likely got enough wood on hand for winter of 25-26 as well. That is a dang good feeling !!
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP
Nice work Mike! I need to get to making some more firewood too, been busy playing with the sawmill, slats make good firewood, need to get the mill painted this week, spent saturday afternooon and evening in the grain cart helping a buddy with beans, been a bit of a mess for them, the head grenaded a couple weeks ago, Case had it one day short of a week, he got it back and ran 7 acres and it did the same thing, they have leased one right now, not sure about that lease part he is not to big on paying but his dad is ever the politician/nice guy, but at least they can run. I spent most the day yesterday mowing road ditches with the old bar mower and the 1030, knocked a couple sections out that I had to replace and broke the top off one guard, didn't have a spare guard so I moved it to the very inside and put the good out mid bar.
Nice work Mike! I need to get to making some more firewood too, been busy playing with the sawmill, slats make good firewood, need to get the mill painted this week, spent saturday afternooon and evening in the grain cart helping a buddy with beans, been a bit of a mess for them, the head grenaded a couple weeks ago, Case had it one day short of a week, he got it back and ran 7 acres and it did the same thing, they have leased one right now, not sure about that lease part he is not to big on paying but his dad is ever the politician/nice guy, but at least they can run. I spent most the day yesterday mowing road ditches with the old bar mower and the 1030, knocked a couple sections out that I had to replace and broke the top off one guard, didn't have a spare guard so I moved it to the very inside and put the good out mid bar.
Yikes that stinks about the combine issues !! We’ve had a few break downs so far but have been able to get up and running fairly quickly each time. A few days into soybeans the rotor drive belt blew up so I got to do that. Not horrid but not fun either.
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP

There were a couple minor things during soybeans but the real excitement came when the spreaders quit spreading and Dad hit the alarm silence button “because it is loud and annoying” and the whole combine plugged up. WTF dude !! Oh well we got it cleaned out but it took over an hour.
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP

Do you mow ditches for the township/county or just to knock stuff down ? I purchased a New Holland 108M a few years ago to do our townships ditches and it’s paid for and then some already. Dang nice mower !!
I just mow our area and for a couple neighbors, county does it twice a year but coming into winter its nice to get it knocked down, I mowed right at 10 miles total. I dont remember what model mower I have, its an IH trail type, the old 1030 is way overkill but sure is nice to run, just need muffler extension/turnout, shes plenty loud. Yeah the rotor belt is fun, long as you got the fancy tool to compress the variable sheave it ain't to bad. the whole deal with their machine has been a mess, 8240 but Macdon 30 foot draper, machine has so far been fine, head is about 10 years old and blew the center belt drums all to pieces, leased one is a 35 Macdon, all good but needed a bunch of section and one sensor, they had to drive back to case and rob a sensor off their own head, plus the fact they were told to fix the other one, whatever it needed!
Fired up the boiler yesterday. Highs in the low 40’s and lows in the low 30’s say it won’t turn into a creosote factory and it’ll get to stretch its legs soon enough with colder temps yet.
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP

Seems like cheating to start it with the weed burner but I can still say I started one fire all heating season with just one match lol
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP
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Pops and I were volunteered to remove some large oak trees at the school my littles attend so we got after it.
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP

We cut as many chunks into saw logs as we could. There is quite a bit of firewood here but it’s be a dang shame to burn all this nice lumber !!
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We got three trees down the first day and Mama Bear and the little people posse came to help with the cleanup the next day.
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One load of smaller stuff from three trees. Rough math says just shy of 2 cord in here.
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Saw logs on the left and firewood stuff on the right. Not a bad haul from three trees.
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP
We decided to finish the other six trees over Christmas break so we didn’t have to work around recess and the other kids being outside. They all wanted to be so helpful the day we cut the last ones down 😆

This one had a big split in the side I made the face cut on and I didn’t want it to come flying apart so I put a ratchet strap on it. Not sure how much it would actually help but it didn’t split farther so maybe it did the trick or maybe it wasn’t needed. Either way I felt better about it.
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP

Couple more decent sized white oaks on the ground.
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP

Two 17’ white oak logs, one 34” and the other 26” and three 8-1/2’ red oak logs roughly 30” on the back trailer and the larger firewood chunks in the front trailer. Still have three more saw logs to load up. I’m going to have more lumber than I’ll know what to do with soon !!
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP

So far we’ve added three loads of firewood stuff to this pile, three loads to the big stuff pile and one load to the small stuff pile that’s already cut up. I think I have 3ish years of wood here. That’s a great feeling !! Just gotta get it all cut up now 😂
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP

I’m quite excited to get these sawn up !!
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP
Mike, you can bring some of them logs down here and I'll mill them for ya! good plan with the ratchet strap, I got nailed by an oak about 24 inch that was split and we didn't know it, dang thing did some weird stuff and ended up on top of me! it was a perfect storm, so better safe than all busted like me or dead! Have a great new year and keep on making firewood buddy!
Mike, you can bring some of them logs down here and I'll mill them for ya! good plan with the ratchet strap, I got nailed by an oak about 24 inch that was split and we didn't know it, dang thing did some weird stuff and ended up on top of me! it was a perfect storm, so better safe than all busted like me or dead! Have a great new year and keep on making firewood buddy!
If you were closer I’d take you up on that in a heartbeat!!

We wrapped another tree today. Dang thing was hollow up 20’ yet !!
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP
The little dude helped me bring in a few stacks of lumber I’ve been saving for a project I didn’t know about when I started saving it.
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After looking at a bunch of different designs for log bucking tables online I decided I wasn’t getting any younger and they looked like a lot better way to process a bunch of firewood without bending over as often. So we got to work building one on an old manure spreader frame.
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Once we got the floor joists in place we started putting a solid deck on it. I wanted to be able to sweep it off once in a while and didn’t want stuff falling into the trailer. The little guy still has lots of energy at this point 😆
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP

Little man pooped out and swapped himself out for his oldest sister to help finish it up. She wanted to test it when we were done and had to show off her chainsaw skills 😂
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The next day I put some sacrificial pieces of lumber down where I’ll be cutting and cleaned up a few other things on it. It’s not pretty but I think it’ll work !!
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We got a chance to use the bucking table trailer the other day during a warm spell. I didn’t put very much on it the first time in case something didn’t work out.
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Holy wood cutting trailer Batman. This thing is amazing!!
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I cut up two totes in under an hour. Not bad for the first run. I think I found my “touch it once” method of cutting, storing and drying wood before shoving it into the boiler. Just gotta find another hundred totes or so lol.
[] New to the Forum - Crown Royal 7400MP
Here's some guessing.

Post #97- An 036 Pro with a LW 24'' Sugi Hara.
#98 pic of your daughter handling the same saw. There's an 044/440 on the right of trailer with a big cc Av series on the left.
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