Logger's just wear out a 70 cc saw very quick. 90cc where they need to be.
Not around here either. The 440 and the 372 are the saws of choice in the PNW, hands down. They do typically wear them out in a year and buy new ones, but I do not know anyone that run 80-90cc saw around these parts out in the woods. I rarely see any 660s or 395s out there. A few more 460s again now that the 440s are gone again, but the 460s are gone now too. Few ever liked the 441s much around here. 372s are getting to be more common. Typical setup here is a 70cc saw with a 28 or 32 inch bar, wearing full skip full chisel loops. They are used for falling as well as limbing. The main money trees here are Doug firs, but many stands have other money trees like hemlocks and red cedar in them, as well as alders. The size varies considerably on the age of the stand, mostly from 2-4 feet DBH. The trash trees here are hardwoods; white oak, bigleaf maple, and madrone. They are dispatched easily enough with a 70cc saw.