oldspark said:
fabsroman, have you got that tractor yet, I think I saw one of your posts on tractorbynet?
Yep, I have been posting a lot about it over there. I was going to buy one in April, but the guys over there talked me into a zero turn mower as a dedicated mower, which is what I needed the tractor for at that immediate time. The mower has been great. Bought a John Deere Z445 and have all of 22 hours on it so far. I hate mowing grass, but this mower makes it bearable. Initially, I was looking at the John Deere 2520 compact utility tractor. Good thing I didn't buy it because I already want the 4320. Way too much stuff to do around this house like grading, pavers, french drains, drywells, etc. for me to be using a 2520 to move all that dirt, asphalt, pavers, sand, gravel, etc.
Another good thing about waiting for the tractor is that it allowed us to replace the furnace and AC. The furnace is a heating oil furnace which I didn't like to begin with when we moved in in February. We were keeping our fingers crossed that the AC would work and we would have some options about when to replace the furnace and AC. Well, it didn't work and the cost to repair it was going to be $500+, so we decided to put that money toward a new system since the current one is the original system and it is 24 years old. Between the mower, the $3,000 washer/drier set, the furnace, the chimney, the chainsaws, etc., we have used up most of our cash and I am now trying to get $10,000 in place for the year end contribution to the kids' 529 plans. If we are lucky, we will have the tractor in the spring after tax season, but I think I will opt to pay off my wife's car at that point unless I find a really good deal on a 4320. Once I get the 4320, I will be working on the house for 5 years straight, if not more. The furnace became a priority once I started actually looking at the Home Office Deduction forms for some clients of mine with oil heat. We paid $450 for oil in mid February and it lasted us 3 weeks. What I was seeing on my client's home office worksheets was $3,000+ for heating oil. Saving $3,000 a year makes sense on that purchase. Kind of like the money we save by me mowing the grass. The mower will be paid for in 3 years. Likewise, the furnace will pay for itself in 3 years. The grass and the heat aren't things that we could let go for a couple of years. The landscaping and water issues are things that can wait another year or two.
However, having the tractor will make cutting and stacking wood a lot easier.