Mahindra 4540

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I'm not sure how much snow we received but I did the 2 driveways I usually do plus ours , I guess we have some ice coming in tonight.


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I cleaned up the trails around the house with the 4540 and finished plowing some areas that I hadn't done but before that I used the snowblower on some areas that are off limits to the tractor which created a few more waling trails.
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We got a few inches of snow a few days ago immediately followed by rain. The gravel roads and lots that got plowed seem to be in even worse.
We received some snow overnight but it's rain this morning, I'm glad it snowed before the rain because the driveway actually has good traction.
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With colder weather coming in tomorrow night for a day an a half, I decided that some trails that I hadn't done since the last snow would get plowed...done. I also cut some snowbanks back and pushed the snow down in the woods which will give us plenty of room off the driveway if we get hit again with a good amount of snow again.
I moved some snow with the plow out of the front yard down in the woods in behind the new garage, I'll move more once the cold moves out of our area.

Pics 0036 & 0037 is the new area I cleaned up this fall for snow storage, it makes a big difference having the snow there instead of packed in at the end of our driveway.


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I scraped down the driveway with the plow on the tractor and then plowed a trail to our stacks of @Piney we have left for the shoulder season, two face of white pine for this spring. We burned just under four face cord of pine in the fall.
I have the 2540 shuttle shift I love it. That 2638 HST is a nice tractor I almost had my dad convinced to get it. He wanted to buy mine and me get a new one but I said if there is a new tractor being purchased it is going to be yours. Plus I have mine setup the way I want it. For mowing and doing the thing he needs the HST would be great. I sometimes wish I had one for when mowing the yard instead of having to shift from forward to reverse you just have that pedal with that HST. You loose a couple HP in the PTO but not enough that you would ever notice. If you were pulling plows all day in the field or moving big heavy materials all day every day you may want more of a gear driven transmission. I have a buddy who has a 50 Hp Kubota that he uses as a farm tractor making round bales etc and his is a HST and he loves it. Thewoodlands let me know what you decide, but I like that 2638!
@heavy hammer , unless something changes my mind we'll keep the 4540 and not take a big loss on the tractor. I told the wife if I die, either get married to a guy who doesn't care about being in the elements when plowing or buy something different. ==c
I think the last day I used the tractor was on Feb. 15 so I started it up today so I could move some snowbanks and plow three trails that I hadn't kept plowed.
I pulled mine out today to get the fluids moving and take the girls for a quick spin. My fuel gauge is not working correctly when the tractor is off it is in the 3/4 full position and when running in is over top of the temp gauge, and that gauge won't go up with that needle sitting on it. The fuel tank is full, I messed with the fuses, but I'll call the dealer tomorrow to see what they say. Other than that it was a good weekend filled the garage back up split kindling and ran the dogs. The younger lab had a good weekend ran him for a couple hours yesterday and today.
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I pulled mine out today to get the fluids moving and take the girls for a quick spin. My fuel gauge is not working correctly when the tractor is off it is in the 3/4 full position and when running in is over top of the temp gauge, and that gauge won't go up with that needle sitting on it. The fuel tank is full, I messed with the fuses, but I'll call the dealer tomorrow to see what they say. Other than that it was a good weekend filled the garage back up split kindling and ran the dogs. The younger lab had a good weekend ran him for a couple hours yesterday and today.
How long has the fuel gauge stuff been going on?
I just noticed it today it is the first time I had the tractor out in a while. The tact and the temp gauge work just the fuel gauge is about 90 degrees off.
I decided this afternoon that I would move more slush and water down to the woods behind the garage, even though we have more snow coming in we're ready for any thaws or rains once March hits.

I'll fill the 4540 with diesel tomorrow and then put the sander on which will have use ready for the storm coming in.

The pics are of the three different areas that I moved the slush and snow to.


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They picked up the tractor yesterday afternoon so we shall see what the problem is. I cleaned the stove pipe coming from the basement stove up to the thimble through the block wall. Not bad but since the stove was cold I figured clean it out. I'm hoping to get on the roof to check out the chimney and maybe give it a quick sweep depends on how much snow we get.
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They picked up the tractor yesterday afternoon so we shall see what the problem is. I cleaned the stove pipe coming from the basement stove up to the thimble through the block wall. Not bad but since the stove was cold I figured clean it out. I'm hoping to get on the roof to check out the chimney and maybe give it a quick sweep depends on how much snow we get.
I hope it's something simple @heavy hammer .
It ended up that just the small metal rod that holds the needle got messed up. The dealer mechanic has seen it before from snow getting on the dash and someone hitting it to brush it off as he explained. My brother has a 3 year old son who loves climbing on the tractor and he is always pushing the buttons and touching stuff and hitting things plus my two girls playing on it. Just have to be more watchful. Plus the mechanic told me how to fix it about a dozen screws to remove the dash. I'm glad it wasn't a sending unit or something real expensive, but I don't know the bill yet but I'm hoping it was not to bad.
It ended up that just the small metal rod that holds the needle got messed up. The dealer mechanic has seen it before from snow getting on the dash and someone hitting it to brush it off as he explained. My brother has a 3 year old son who loves climbing on the tractor and he is always pushing the buttons and touching stuff and hitting things plus my two girls playing on it. Just have to be more watchful. Plus the mechanic told me how to fix it about a dozen screws to remove the dash. I'm glad it wasn't a sending unit or something real expensive, but I don't know the bill yet but I'm hoping it was not to bad.
I'm glad it was something simple. We have some rain tonight turning to snow so I put the sander on the tractor, once I'm done plowing tomorrow I'll sand the driveway.
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I'm thinking we received around 7 plus inches of the wet heavy snow with water from the rain underneath so I plowed twice.


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We ended up with around 4-5 so far. They keep calling for snow till Sat pm. Then 50 on Sunday. More mud.
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We ended up with around 4-5 so far. They keep calling for snow till Sat pm. Then 50 on Sunday. More mud.
Life in the snow belt. I grew up north of Akron. I'm about 100 miles south of you now and it is a night and day difference.
I have been in the snow belt my whole life. The weather channel makes a big deal any time there is snow. If we get 3-6 inches they make such a big thing of it any more. I just thought that was winter. When you start talking about 12 inches or more in a day that is a little more significant, but it is winter in northeast Ohio we are going to get snow.
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We received another six inches of snow overnight so after going to town so we could pick a few things up, I plowed two driveways and started moving some snow out of certain areas around the house.
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Since we have warmer weather coming in with a possible 0.25 of rain, I took the snowblower and removed some snow close to the house. After I was done with the snowblower, I took the 4540 and took a chit load of snow off the northside of the house which would drain toward the new garage but away from it.
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