In general you are correct, but only as long as government regulations and general customer expectations allow.
For the regulations, government can require they be manufactured (through various efficiency rules) so they have forced a design which won't work. We are suffering from some of this today. Short of changing regulations, you can't easily subvert this if customers have certain expectations around them.
For the general customer expectations, customers want cheap bulbs like the incandescents (or the halogens), they want them to work in all legacy fixtures, and they want them to look almost exactly like the filament based bulbs. What they don't realize is that's an unreasonable position in some fixtures and systems.
First, the heat transfer mechanism is completely different, and some fixtures won't accommodate that. Your overhead cans (IC or NIC) are not designed to move heat by convection but by radiation. And free/natural convection (no fans or external air movers) can't push hot air down and out of the cans. Most LED bulb failures in cans are due to heat problems (as long as water intrusion or moisture are not an issue). So if the cans are in a hot location that is higher than the bulb rating, it'll fail.
Secondly, if you can come up with a design that works in the legacy fixture, it often won't look like the legacy bulb. Consumers often shy away from those and they do not sell as well. While working at Rambus, I designed this bulb which had some higher heat transfer performance, and optics that matched an incandescent bulb:
View attachment 327773
Due to the unique cylindrical optics, I accidentally discovered a method to move air horizontally in the center cylinder and cool it for horizontal applications. It also worked well vertically.
View attachment 327774View attachment 327775
This bulb design (and variants) were sold in Amazon for a while.
The complaint? It didn't look like a light bulb. Working better and lasting longer didn't matter to the consumer.
While this bulb worked in legacy lamps, the real trouble is trying to use it in a legacy can. The various PAR, BR, etc., shaped bulbs do work in cans but moving air enough to cool an LED bulb without fan isn't feasible. I created a number of designs and tried them (some physical tests, some CFD simulations like those shown above) but nothing worked. The wires you mentioned might work to carry the heat but you can't get the heat to them easily through an Edison base/socket. The thermal contact resistance in those bases is too high and too variable. Conduction is often killed by the contact resistances, even if the thermal conductivity of the base material is reasonable.
Fan designs for NIC or IC fixtures would work, but consumer resistance was extremely high. Noise is also a concern, especially in thin sheet metal assemblies as they may vibrate with the fan frequency. I did make a can LED light that used special piezoceramic fans (little flapping metal shims, if you will) which were ultra quiet and highly efficient. That was installed in a company demo room and ran for years. But - the heat sink and fans were on top of the can, and this could not be used in an IC installation.
View attachment 327776
So, bottom line, what you ask for isn't feasible (legacy sockets and heat transfer), and isn't wanted by the average consumer (they won't pay for it), and may have features they won't like (the appearance). You have to consider yourself a small segment of the market and that means finding your own solution, in part. What you want isn't fitting into the large marketplace and the companies aren't going to chase the 0.01% of the market looking for it. Personally in your situation I'd be making can modifications for better cooling.
Several years ago at GE I helped design an under cabinet "hockey puck" light around a unique form factor LED module, the GE Vio. The color performance was unmatched in its day as it used a near UV LED (405 nm) instead of the typical 450 nm blue. Special phosphors provided a rich color spectrum which enhanced looking at any food during preparation. It was thicker than a typical puck for the thermal design I made (about 1"). But today, almost 20 years later, they are working fine, and are on 12 hours or more a day. I've only replaced the external power supplies once. If you do the design right, it works - and ignore at least one limitation (appearance in this case). And none of the cheaper under cabinet LED lights today beat them, except on thinness.