Just a wondering how many dry wall buckets

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Feeling the Heat
Hearth Supporter
Sep 23, 2008
of compost should a scoop and a half at local Nursery be? with their"loader"?
I think I was overcharded...
It was close to closing time and sky was overcast threatening rain and I didnt want to have to make a mess in my pickyup bed so took dry wal buckets o get compost>>>.
so how do I do the math? or yall better at it???
oh goig to ask another quwestion in another thread
thanks yall
YOU MEAN YALL BRAINS OUT there have no comments??? how would I do the math?
thanks yall
How big was their bucket? Should we assume a 1 cubic yard bucket at the nursery? A 5 gallon bucket is .67 cubic feet.
And it goes back to how big of a bucket they are using at the nursery... How much were you charged for?
So you got just over 10 cubic feet. Only you could tell if you were overcharged, as compost quality is all over the board.
i just paid $38 for a yard of biocompost. and they loaded me up with just over 2 by accident and didn't charge me!
Good deal. 2 cu yds is heavy. That takes a nice large truck. Our Ranger will only take about 2/3 cu. yd., level loaded.
I pay $15 for bucket load, of course my bucket is 3/4 of yard. I have to drive down the road 1/2 mile from my house, unhook the electric fence, drive in get load and then drive out and rehook the fence. The farmer keeps an aged pile set aside.
Good deal. 2 cu yds is heavy. That takes a nice large truck. Our Ranger will only take about 2/3 cu. yd., level loaded.
i didn't say it all stayed in there while driving :)
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