I used to only get a limited amount of deadfall, pruning cuttings and dead elms off my own small woodlot (5 acres), I mostly pulled from my father's or father-in-laws farms which have an abundance from fence lines and wood lots. At either farm there are various types of equipment to help with the job.
Nowadays, between EAB, Dutch Elm disease, and clearing out some encroaching and less than desirable trees (Manitoba Maple, Buckthorn, sumac) I'll be pulling off of my own lot exclusively for the next few years, At home, unless I borrow a piece of equipment, I'm currently limited to an ATV or old front mount Kubota tractor. Either way, I go into my wood lot, soil conditions (one half can be wet depending on the weather) and snow levels pending, and usually drop and buck the trees in place, and bring out the rounds on my little garden trailer. I've skid logs out with the aforementioned machines as well, but it usually makes more sense to buck the trees in place.
Recently, as I thought I might want to save some of the ash logs for the sawmill rather than feed them into the stove, I borrowed a friend's homemade "skidder" to help get them out of the bush. While it was a little wide for my trails, and the tractor had it's work cut out for it with the turf tires and no chains on, it hauled a couple good sized logs out (not the one pictured) and it did the trick.
I'm currently shopping for a compact tractor or TLB...
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