OK.Your stove is the "upgraded" enviro mini stove.They had many problems,with burning poorly,on low settings,there were up grades,fixed lots of stuff.Your stove is supposed to have all this fixed.But,the early ones had some problems with the control boards.The stove design is good,the burn pot is ok,proven,you should be able to burn it(even a crappy burn) for 2 days without shutting it down,to service the pot,but you can always scrape pot,a bit,while still running.Even with the improvements,on this stove,you need almost perfect airflow,the flue and combustion air.We have seen your dealer has failed you terribly,and we feel for you,as you purchased a top of the line unit.In reality,you could have bought a 900 dollar castle serenity stove,from the farm store,paid a stove shop to install it,and had less problems,and,almost immediate help,on the phone,from the importer.As I fix stoves,part time,I am very disgusted with Enviro having such a poor dealer.I like their products,but I own a Harman,and an Austroflamm.If your new stove was an Harman Accentra,you would not be on this forum,except to say how easy it is to just dump in a bag and turn the knob.Heck,my 94 Austroflamm is a better stove,right now than what you possess,because it would work there.OK see you are posting new stuff,sorry for ranting,having a beer,watching it snow here.