I'd be really surprised it is happened that soon. Most folks aren't aware of the truth, they just live with the scraps falling from the table. Bigger TV's, new phones, more texting, it just seems to appease everyone. When they start listening and paying just a little attention, they start with the BS pumped to them by the so called news people and pundits. OH, GE creates the jobs...they shouldn't pay taxes. Last I knew nearly all of the GE sites are empty with all the jobs overseas with cheap labor. Sure, a few design houses still around....but they are getting smaller too as India engineers will work for $10K a year...a very handsome salary indeed in India. Yet we give them breaks....and it continues across all the top corporations. Yet the pundits convince those who aren't really interested in reading enough, thinking enough, to dig into the truth....that they should all be exempt. Let's blame it on those high end, fancy, union teachers and govt employees. Yeah, most of the teachers I had or my kids have really are mediocre. Many should be removed. A handful should be praised. But they all target these folks as the big problem in society. So while there are no doubt some people making 85K a year pushing a broom in a factory, there are thousands who work quite hard....and if left up to the corporate top, they'd be making $10 an hour. My local GM of our high tech business calls technical employee's "cheeseburgers". Tells them to their face in fact. I can pick you for $1, or about three others for $1, so take it or leave it. Yet when we try and hire someone we can't find anyone who requires less than a year of training. Geez. BUt this mentality seems to get so much traction, on sad to say it directly, the right, that people don't stop and think and look at the real problems. Sure, there has been abuse on all sides...no doubt this is true...and no doubt people should be in prison from both sides. Today, there is NO accountability....NONE. You can rob literally billions from America and still walk free. Bernie is the rare exception....but look at all the legal criminals still sitting at the helm of their weapon, I mean bank. It is just sad. But with no accountability, when will it end? Only when the accountability returns and there is a way to hold them accountable for the massive stealing from the American people. Companies drop all pensions becuase they can't afford it, push us into 401K, which just means we now HAVE to send our money to Wall Street in hopes of being able to afford retirement some day. What a scheme that is....and then there's huge rewards for the CEOs and staff TODAY, not tomorrow, from the same wall street. No one looks 5 years in the future, nor 3, from a corporate persepective. This used to be NOT the case. Today if you look more than 12 months ahead you are likely fired, because you didn't focus on immediate return.
There's a guy here who two years ago used to be fairly hardcore right. Bought the standard BS from the pundits. Everyone on welfare should just get a job, and that is the majority of our troubles...Geeez. He bought a Kindle. He reads now rather voraciously, and it is incredible to see his transformation. The wool has been pulled from his eyes and he understands and fully sees how the American people are being robbed. Both sides of the aisle on Capital hill play along with this.....they just pander to the money. And yet we keep electing the same idiots to go and steal from us....and until we as a total nation read and think, and stop listening to the rhetoric, until the collectively we understand and move forward together....it will not end.
I think this will continue for a good long time...until some major event truly takes hold and drives the truth to everyones immediate understanding. Let's say when water becomes scarce. Perhaps $10 a gallon fuel will do this, but it is already there in Europe. No wonder the europeans are "socialist"....LMAO. People there have a bit more understanding of reality. Socialism isn't the answer....but regulation on what can be done is. It used to be the law, and yet America thrived. And now today it is gone and only the top are thriving....and thriving more then ever in history. It is actually quite sick. Yet the word socialist is thrown around and everyone just stops thinking and jumps into thoughts of the USSR or similar.
As long as those flat panels keep showing up, and new little toys, people are satiated and few rise up to understand the truth. It is very disappointing...yet it abounds in the US. Apathy. But having a few little pet issues keeps the masses happy. These politicians, in bed with the big money and the pundits, they all know how to herd the cattle. The cattle need to stand up and realize they are being headed to slaughter. I guess sheep is a better analogy....they just get sheered year after year. But rising up against it? In the next few years? Strong enough to push career politicians out and elect sensible, middle of the road people that refuse to get pulled into the hot topics of one side or the other, pass some monumental changing laws, and then step down? Used to be public office was seen as a duty, no one wanted to leave their farm to go and serve....but they felt an obligation to the emerging nation to do the work. Now poliicians are not only career long, they are family legacy. That's just sad....and yet we keep voting. Bush or Kennedy....doesn't matter....they never are focused on the people.
Phew....must stop. Going to go fell some trees now with my teeth.