I have an x25 I guess (one of the shorter handled ones) and it does 90% of what I ask it to. I still have to use a sledge and wedge on some gnarlier rounds. I broke the handle on my old maul and replaced it with the Fiskars and I use the maul head as a wedge now. To me it is simply that it is lighter and gets most of what I need done so no need to have anything else. It definitely needs to be used differently than a maul though. Different strokes for different folks.
I picked up my X25 at WallyWorld probably a year ago this coming January. Since then I've split about 6 cords of mixed ash, maple, box elder, red oak, and cherry. My Fiskars is the cats dupa for most everything except the really big rounds and the gnarly/knotty rounds.
The guys that "poopoo" the Fiskars are the guys that probably "throw like girls"