I'm a former VC Encore Everburn owner. My wife and I went through two Encores and both performed identically, i.e. uncontrollable burns and glowing cast iron around the flue collar.
Stove number one was installed in January 2007 and after break-in fires, would regularly run away. Our dealer adjusted the ash pan door and front doors; no improvement resulted. The dealer then was advised to check the bolts holding the refractory in place and he found the bolts were only "finger tight;" no improvement resulted. In June a Northeast Distributor representative visited our home and found issues with the ash pan door and front door fit and pronounced the problem resolved. Upon firing the stove in October 2007, I found that the same run away condition still existed.
At this point, I requested replacement with an Encore Catalytic, but Northeast Distributors said no and so our dealer installed Encore Everburn number two. Stove number two was installed in November 2007 and after the break-in fires we had our next run away. In addition, within a week, a crack developed in the shoe part of the refractory. A replacement shoe was ordered and we had a home visit from a VC field service representative based in Bethel, Vermont. Adjustments were made to the ash pan door and front doors and the stove was pronounced fit. After speaking to the VC rep the evening after he looked at the stove with our dealer (I could not be home for the visit due to my work), I fired the stove and it once again ran away. Each run away resulted in glowing cast iron around the flue collar and was accompanied by the "afterburner" sound.
The next step was installation of an in-line flue damper in January 2008. This had no impact on the stove's performance, i.e. it was still uncontrollable (although an oven mitt or aluminum foil stuffed in the secondary air intake would stop the "fun") and at this point I contacted the dealer once again. The VC rep called and said that we would then deal directly with the factory so as to take the burden off the dealer. He offered a replacement stove and in fact I could have chosen any of the VC or Dutchwest cat or non-cat stoves. Please remember that I had proposed replacement of stove number one with an Encore cat back in November 2007 and was told no deal. After thinking over the offer for a week, I called the VC rep back and requested removal of the stove and a full refund.
For those contemplating purchase of a stove using Everburn technology I can only say caveat emptor (let the buyer beware).