Hey green
Sorry to chime in so late in the game.
That's an interesting center tube plug set up. Not sure if that's the issue.
I really think the huffing is ONLY coming from too small of a split.
The WG is not fussy at all.
It's a Beast and loves big, heavy, manly splits, not these little wimpy playing card sized splits that the other guys need.
I learned the hard way. I started splitting wood before the WG was connected and I listened to what I was reading in here. Everyone else was saying to split to the size of a playing card

That is way to small for this beast.
And I was huffing and puffing like a big bad wolf.
I have now learned and the smallest I will split is the size of a 4x4 fence post. 6x6 is better and 6x8 even better.
Moisture around 25% is good too.
I had my first case of huffing in over a year, last week. The splits were just to small.
Unfortunately I have 4 cord of oak that is split like a playing card from
October 2011. I have to start burning that now. Another mistake was to let those skinny splits season as long as they have.
This winter I've been burning cherry and maple that was split 6x6 around April of 2013 and it burned like a dream. Unfortunately I just ran out.
It gasified right way and there was no smoke or huffing. Just beautiful heat shimmers coming from the stack and a nice and toasty house. I will let you know how this oak burns. I just put a small load in this morning to take the chill out our the house since the out temps are almost 60*

right now.
But not to worry the temps will drop this week and that will be the true test of this stuff.
Anyone want to buy 4 cords of oak split like a playing card?
Just hang in there. You be just fine. Once you get past the learning curve things will smooth out.
Have you called AHS for any of their advice?
They came out with an EPA plug that is to be put in one of the side tubes and is claimed to help with huffing. I haven't gotten one yet but a couple other guys have and they seem to notice the difference.