I noticed today that there is still an awful smell after the 3rd burn. There is air coming out of the blower housing in back. Is this normal? Not coming out the appliance adapter or pipe but the actual motor housing. Also the door was stuck shut today had to pull hard and the rope gasket was sticking to stove. I dont think it messed it up too bad but this cant be normal. I remember the very first time I fired it up a little smoke came out where the fan blows out the air before the fan even came on. Normal?Also I fired it up at 8-8 setting for an hour and then set it to 4-8. Went and checked 15 minutes later and the flame seemed to look the same in both settings. I am starting to think there may be a problem with stove. I know this is a lot of questions, and I will call tech support but wanted your opinion. Thanks!was looking to see if stove was responding to heat range commands, sounds like it is.
biggest thing to look at with an uninsulated basement. the walls and floor will absorb heat until they start to warm up to the same temps as the air inside the room. dense materials like concrete or cinder block require more thermal energy to do so than an insluated wall does due to a lesser density. also the ground outside if a submerged basement will be literally continually absorbing this heat. the reason a woodstove heats up this uninsulated space better and faster is because it "radiates" much more heat, where a pellet stove "convects" heat radient heat warms solids (kinda like a microwave) the thermal radiation penetrates the solids and brings them up to temp faster so they start "refusing heat" faster thus allowing the air to warm up more rapidly. a convection heater warms the air and the heat in the air travels out into the room dissipating as it goes this heat is absorbed into the solids but the transportation of it by air rather than radiation means it takes longer for the solids to warm up so that heat refusal starts if at all depending on the heat loss through the uninsulated solids, see if the walls do not reach the temps you are trying to get the room to , the room aint gonna get there either.