Hey mar,
Hadn't forgotten about you, just been real busy. I did find the ordering info and cut lists, though. Along with the photos posted in posts #42 (original 4x4 base design) and #64 (doubled 2x4 base design), this should be pretty much all the info you need.
First, the buy list for the latest one. The original 4x4 base model would be the same, but sub (8) 4x4x16 for the (16) 2x4x16.
View attachment 257561
Here's the cut list for the studs. Some of the original calculated numbers are crossed out and replaced with more accurate measured numbers, based on the PT 2x4's being a little fatter than 1-1/2".
View attachment 257562
Finally, a detail of the rafter cuts. If you have a radial saw this is easy, or even a table saw with a rolling table or slider. Sort of that, I'd skip this step and just buy rafter ties to attach the rafters. I get away with 2x3's because the spacing between joists upon which the rafters rest is so small.
View attachment 257560
The total cost of each unit is almost exactly $1000, plus whatever base you put it on. I've been using concrete block, dry stacked on a leveled base of dry concrete mix. The concrete soaks up moisture from the ground and sets up within a few days, and I usually wait a few days before placing the wood rack on the piers, anyway.
edit: Everything except the rafters, the cut list of studs above, and the angled ends of the diagonal braces is used at full 8' or 16' length. All jacks are set at 5-1/2" from the end of each stud using a quick jig for locating them. This makes the rafters come out flush with the studs on top (except the outermost pair), and the studs overlapping with the inside face of the fore-aft base timbers for best strength.