Semipro said:
RustyShackleford said:
midwestcoast said:
All that said trees still affect precision and I agree GPS is not the best option here. The baloon looks like way more fun. And easier.
Yeah, and cheaper even than I indicated in my last mention of this. Calling places to inflate that big balloon, turns out I can buy a 3-ft diameter balloon, filled, for $10, about a 10min drive from my place. My ciphering says the thing will have about a pound of buoyancy (not counting the balloon's weight). I've got a new roll of mason's line that weighs less that 4oz and is 325-ft long and is plenty strong. So I figure since I only need 100-150 feet of elevation, I'm under 2oz for the tether, so probably good to go. If not, I go buy a second balloon. I guess I'm ok with aviation stuff; I know aircraft are generally required to fly a minimum of 500 feet AGL (above ground level) except near airports (duh).
Seems like it would have to be dead calm for this to work well. What are the chances of that happening at the same time you're able to and willing to go out and survey?
Well, not DEAD calm, I should be able to eyeball, from the angle of the twine, how far the thing has drifted.
But you're right, it needs to be pretty damn calm. I'm not working right now, so I can pretty much cherry-pick
when to do it, and with's detailed forecasts I can be pretty confident that it'll be calm for the
next two hours if they say it will be ... Or get up at the crack of dawn the next day, winds are almost always
calm then, barring a front coming through.