Just for giggles I'll toss out a couple of figures my stove had a 160CFM blower on it and couldn't burn a decent pellet on 3/5 for any real amount of time without high temping out unless you did the old fan over ride trick and tell the fan to run full speed. Even then it wouldn't allow the use of heat range 4 and above, I did a bit of poking around and located a cheap 230CFM blower which does a fine job (turns out a close cousin of my cheap blower is used on another manufacturer's version of the same stove only difference is it has a even slightly higher flow rate).
There was another issue with the stove and that was the controller was incorrectly set up (those jumpers will get you every time it seems).
So I suspect I now have a bit of CFM I can afford to loose.
Before anyone says gee that must have put a higher load on your controller it didn't, both of the current blower motors on the stove are well below the controllers ratings and about half of what the originals were.
Next up is a reduction on the auger side but it can wait.
I would just love to do a bit of work and get an air filter on the beast. I'm tired of always removing fine dust from the blower wheel.
There was another issue with the stove and that was the controller was incorrectly set up (those jumpers will get you every time it seems).
So I suspect I now have a bit of CFM I can afford to loose.
Before anyone says gee that must have put a higher load on your controller it didn't, both of the current blower motors on the stove are well below the controllers ratings and about half of what the originals were.
Next up is a reduction on the auger side but it can wait.
I would just love to do a bit of work and get an air filter on the beast. I'm tired of always removing fine dust from the blower wheel.