So the control boards are smart enough to see a load decrease and vary the convection blower amperage based on that alone?
The control board is variable to a point. They limit the volts per heat range. Whether the blower takes it all is another variable. See chart on Enviro's controller(its the only one I had handy).
![[] Distribution blower filter? Why not? [] Distribution blower filter? Why not?](
I am assuming(haven't tried it) that as the blower impellet gets full of dust bunnies it will require more amps to get it moving and keep it moving.
I have seen blowers at grainger that have dampers on the inlet to reduce flow. Close the damper and you reduce flow(amp draw drops). As you open the inlet damper the flow increase's and the amp draw increase do to more load on the impeller. Breckwell method uses this to control their stoves combustion air. Blower is supplied full line voltage at all heat ranges. Operator controls the draft by closing the inlet damper.
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