Just found my favorite so far:
I will soon have 6 (+) cords of Black Locust firewood for sale. (FYI: Black Locust has 23% MORE heating value than even White Oak which is some of THE best firewood available.)
Deal #1; With the "average" firewood (trees of less heat value than even White Oak) now selling for $150.00 per cord. . .I am willing to sell these 6 cords for the same $150.00 price. When you consider that a full cord of White Oak firewood sells for over $200.00 per cord and the heat value of my Black Locust being 23% MORE than White Oak. . .you are saving over $600.00 ! That's like getting your "average" firewood for only $50.00 per cord. The added bonus is, "You will also have to fuel up your wood stove less AND. . .have fewer ashes to dump too!"
Deal #2; If you are willing to do the work of cutting down these (3), 23" diameter (at chest height) I will sell you all of them for only $700.00. That means you save ANOTHER $200.00. On top of the saving from "Deal #1" you are now saving a grand total of $800.00 or. . .it's like getting the "average" firewood for $27.00 per cord

! Thee added bonuses of Deal #2 is; you'll fuel up your wood stove less, have fewer ashes to dump AND. . ..you can take every little branch you want so you get even MORE Black Locust firewood! Now. . .it gets even better. . ..these 3 trees have super-easy access, are right beside a paved parking lot, are up close to the road AND (!) I'm NOT going to be very picky about the mess you leave

Seriously folks. . ...it doesn't get any easier or more cost effective than this AND. . .you may never ever. . .see something like this again.
You go ahead and check out the heating values as I did, sharpen your chain saw, contact me with your telephone number, come and take a look and then just give me the cash.
PLEASE include your telephone number with your reply as this will ONLY be on a 1st come - 1st serve basis.
Ps. I will not take my ad down until the cold hard cash is in my paw so. . .bring it on and help yourself to the ABSOLUTE BEST firewood deal anywhere
