hey I just wanted to chime in on what your sweep said.
Maybe it's just my VC stove, but I disagree with him.
I used very well tested dry wood (<19%MC), and if I dont run my stove fairly hot, I can get my flue very dirty.
I had a 'creosote burn off' aka chimney fire about 3 weeks into burning only maybe 10 fires? I was trying to run the stove as cool / long as I could to produce a long even amount of heat, and running it without a cat which helps burn up some of that smoke before it hits the flue.
So I set out to determine what my flue would look like after just a couple of burns running like this. I should clarify, a burn to me is a day and night of burning. Daytime usually run a bit hotter/quicker and night being at 400 or sub 400 STT. At the time I didnt have a probe to check the cat area temps. I was aiming for what a stove is supposed to be for, putting out heat - but trying to avoid too much heat too quickly resulting in a morning time chill. ON both days I turned the air down too far, and still had 1/3to1/2 wood left in my stove in the morning, albeit it very blackened wood with black glass.
Pictured, are the results. From the flue collar up.
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