Oh cats . . . all the way . . . I'm more of a cat person than a dog person . . . I have four of them. Theodore Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge, Thumper and Lucky (I'm not quite sure why the gals didn't get First Lady names like the boys.) I once had a dog, but realized very quickly that I'm not a dog person. In fact, my wife says that if she dies before me she fears that I'll be one of those crazy hermits you hear about who end up with a bazillion cats living in their home.
As to what I will heat that home with . . . catalytic stove or secondary burning tech . . . well we'll see what is out on the market when that time comes. For me personally, I bought a non-cat this time around based partly on my friend's experience with cats from the early and mid-1980s when cats were in their infancy. I was also a bit turned off by the idea of having to replace the cat after a few years and was concerned that my first year's wood was less than ideal.
Now, after having read many real-life reviews from folks who have been burning with cats for quite some time I can honestly say that I would not fear a cat stove . . . and the idea of the long burn times appeals to me . . . but that said, like Brother Bart I really cannot find any real faults in the stove I am using currently.
So, that said . . . when the time comes to replace the stove we'll see what is out there. Will cats be a relict of the past? Will secondary burn tech be passed by by third burn tech? Will the robots rise up and crush humanity and we're all living in a dream world while the machines use our bodies as power sources? Who knows?