Nope not an engineer, I don't think they get this easily confused and contradict themselves. Using figures calculated long ago? And all those reasons for not wanting an indoor unit, are almost word for word out of a OWB sales training binder. Hmmmm.... Best gasser OWB overall thermal efficiency 30's% and who knows what will be lost to underground lines. Even a single degree is a few million BTU's over a heating season. Versus many other well proven and documented other options. Indoor or's OK many cannot see past the initial cheap price. And their counting on it. Good luck either way
8 gallons of propane per day @ 91330 btu/gallon = 30443 btu/hr required
I burn no less 20 MMBTU/cord content wood with low moisture content.
Assume a gasser has an overall eff. of 80% and a regular OWB has 30%.
I would need 1.32 cords/month to feed the gasser. and a total of 7.25 cords for the total 5.5 month heating season.
I would need 1.86 cords/month to feed the OWB and a total of 10.25 cords for the total 5.5 month heating season.
I would save 3 cords per year. Wood is free so I save no $. I only save about 12 hours of time each year and I save the few extra lbs of particulate matter.
Are those overall efficiencies assumptions in the ball park? Am I doing something wrong in my calculations?