Ram 1500 with an axe...
Minister of Fire
Probably not true, I can gas up, bring the splitter out, etc. like pull the cord and start production..... Split some wood for an hour or two.......That's until I need to go in and eat of course....Splitting by hand can definitely be faster if you only have a short amount of time each time to split wood. If I have an hour or two, I can split WAY more wood by hand then if I had to gas-up, check oil, haul around, etc. a splitter. Actually, since I'm splitting 95% ash, I'm pretty sure I could out split a splitter without even counting the other stuff. That's until I get tired of course.
That said, If you have a whole day or a good chunk of the day to just split wood, then yes, a splitter would definitely be faster. It is less fun, though.