Minister of Fire
For a given heat output (say 20,000btu/hr) running the fans will be more efficient that running without. You'll have less heat wasted up the flue and behind the stove with the fans running.
BUT!, with the fans running you must run the thermostat at a lower setting for the same specific heat output. If you leave the stat setting the same, and turn on the fans you will get more heat, and maybe more efficiency, but you'll chew through your load at a much faster rate.
This doesn't just scale linearly across all settings.
As the fan increases, at some point the heat loss to the cat/firebox becomes so much that the cat stops working, and you take a very large performance hit from that point onward.
How much is too much? Whatever makes the cat go inactive is too much. You'll get a feel for it. With my setup, medium fan requires high thermostat settings if it's going to run unattended for any length of time. At medium fan, I'm probably not looking at anything above a 4-5 hour burn. 8-10 is low fan territory, and 11-24 is no fan territory. High fan is only used when I'm home and trying to make up for lost ground.