Keep working with that Englander, it is known to be able to crank out lots of heat. Learn to use it properly, with good firewood. I think you are being guided on using it properly, follow these folks advice. If you are unable to get enough heat/reduce the need to reload, you need to consider something with a bigger firebox. I doubt there are stoves with significantly bigger fireboxes than the nc-30 that do not require an 8" chimney. There are furnaces that will hold more wood that use a 6" chimney. Installing a furnace should at least keep that heat pump from kicking on, and distribute that heat throughout the house.
You are fighting a tough battle with those garage doors in your stove room/workspace. Is the stove in the garage, and are you using it as a garage? If not, then think about closing up those garage doors, insulate the basement walls, install more efficient double doors if you need the larger door openings. If you are still using the space as a garage, can you partition it off with an insulated wall, with the stove and stairway on the insulated side? This is a war you are going to fight with any stove/furnace, you need to be planning your attack.